Just picked up a times up solid on buddies for 34.95 will this ball be a good candidate for a MOtion hole? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Quote from: Timmyb01 on August 19, 2013, 10:35:07 AMJust picked up a times up solid on buddies for 34.95 will this ball be a good candidate for a MOtion hole? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Yes, you'll be happier with a 3-4"+ pin out and between 2.4 and 2.7 oz of top weight though.
J_Mac, Will the Mo hole work on that long of a pin? I was told 3", Just wondering.
I saw it on eBay for 54.95 plus shipping and thought it was a solid buy. Deckded to google it for some reviews and buddies deal came up couldn't resist for an option to dabble this layout on. 53 bucks with shipping so about a hundred done up. Buddies said most of them are 2-3 inch pins. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the input
Ball came today here are the specs. Let me know if these will work 15LBS 3OZS 4 1/4 top weight 2.5-3 inch pin. Any help would be great.