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22427 - Bags, Shoes, Accessories / Re: 3G Racer Question
« Last post by tloy on Today at 06:43:56 PM »
I bought a pair and returned them. Between the size difference in the heel and the soles of the 3g Tour ultras and not as soft as the tour ultras. I miss the Kangaroo leather.. The dexter souls were a little wide as well..
15684 - Miscellaneous / Raw Hammer black solid
« Last post by Rileybowler on Today at 05:34:36 PM »
I seem to have more damage to the cover stock of this ball then any I have ever owned and was talking to another bowler and he said that his damaged easily as well and was wondering for those of you on this site that own one of these are you seeing the same thing.
24671 - Miscellaneous / Re: Need a used spinner
« Last post by Spider Ball Bowler on September 19, 2024, 01:19:50 PM »
Do you remember when this site was bumping? You would have gotten a response with someone looking to sell within 10 minutes.
59982 - Storm / Re: Storm Summit Ascent Review
« Last post by darrellcombs on September 19, 2024, 05:00:44 AM »
The Storm Summit Ascent comes with the R2S Solid Reactive, Centripetal™ HD -A.I. Core, and 4000-grit surface. This is the newest ball in the Summit line. This Summit is the cleanest of the three so far and  gets down the lane with plenty of pop. This ball reminds me of a symmetrical Absolute Power or in that area as I see it. I think this is the weakest of the 3 summits as the original summit and peak are a bit stronger. I compared it to both the Power and Peak and felt like a ball just below the Power/Peak. The Ascent seems to be a stronger IO Tour Solid due to the core being stronger with a bit more midlane. I am already liking this ball and it's going to be another home run from Storm!

Tobias Myers
This ball seems like it could replace a sensor solid and have the added benefit of adding more surface to it for an earlier read. Good ball to have in the bag for tournaments
18920 - Roto Grip / Re: HP2 Line
« Last post by zonepro on September 18, 2024, 11:11:57 AM »
I spoke to Roto Grip directly and asked them.  Their response was "We are planning to release something in the HP2 line but at the moment we are currently testing on some new cores and coverstocks that would be best suited for that line. Please be patient as we want to create something great!"
17582 - Roto Grip / Re: HP2 Line
« Last post by Metal_rules on September 18, 2024, 06:59:36 AM »
Still no HP2 line balls in the line up - any new releases coming?
59981 - AMF / Re: AMF Exacta Pro-Roll Bowling Ball worth anything?
« Last post by ConnieJLunsford on September 17, 2024, 09:44:33 PM »
For enthusiasts or those who want to preserve bowling history, it may be worth keeping, but otherwise donating it to charity is a thoughtful option to give it a new life. In this way, it reflects the blend of nostalgia and practicality in the bowling community.
51327 - Roto Grip / Re: Optimum Idol Pearl
« Last post by rodbowler75 on September 16, 2024, 04:04:09 PM »
The Optimum Idol Pearl released 8-23-2024 is the newest addition to the Idol series. Filled with history going to the original Idol. Using the same trusted Icon core now with Al technology and wrapped in the micro Trac pearl cover. This is one of the most aggressive pearl Storm has to offer its customers. Using the Reacta Gloss polish this ball was really a quick to respond to friction. Using the dual angle layout of 40x5x45 this layout gives me a taller pin and travel distance down lane. I had to change the surface using a 3 thousand pad by hand to break down the polish. This allowed me to see the pattern better without losing my impact through the pins.
51327 - 900Global / Re: Harsh Reality Pearl
« Last post by rodbowler75 on September 16, 2024, 01:17:46 PM »
The latest addition to the 900 Global product line is the Harsh Reality Pearl. This features the same great reality core surrounded with AI technology and wrapped in the 902 batch pearl cover stock. When this ball was announced at bowl expo I was really excited for this release. The Harsh Reality Solid has become a stable in my bag. With the addition of the Harsh Reality Pearl is a great compliment. I drilled this ball using the layout 60x4.5x35 this ball is super clean and very forward for me. It allows me to get left with it when becomes too strong and I can still get through the pins correctly. I would recommend this ball if you’re looking for that big pearl to add to your bag.
57239 - Storm / Re: Any recommendations to fit my style
« Last post by MJS73 on September 16, 2024, 12:49:23 PM »
Brunswick Mesmerize
Motiv Subzero Forge
Roto-Grip Attention Star
Motiv Crimson Jackal
Brunswick Vaporize
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