Odyssey is my new favorite ball. Mine is drilled pin-under ring, MB at approx. 30* right. For me(high speed, medium revs), this starts reading the pattern early and continues revving through the mid-lane with no drop-off. Once it hits the dry, it is very powerful off the spot. I usually start out playing down-and-in between the 7-10 board, and when I dry up this line after a couple games, I can move five boards left, back 5" - 6" on the approach, lower my ball speed slightly, and play a nice little swing over the same breakpoint. Ball is in box finish of 2000 abralon, and outperforms my Ultimate Inferno drilled the same way(1000 abralon) by 2-3 boards, THS patterns. You do have to stay firm with your release and speed to keep this ball under control. This is a PERFECT ball/drilling for my game, and if I can eliminate/minimize the mental mistakes, I see great scores in my future! I also have the Saga, drilled pin-above bridge 1", MB kicked right about 35*-40*, which I would use should I find any drier/burnt conditions. What a GREAT 1-2 punch!
Edited on 4/7/2007 3:27 PM