Used it last night fried heads ball motors back from deep lines like an x-factor does, my hunch it was storm's new version was right on. This ball has very sharp backend reaction the fired up believe it or not is a step down. I had this and a legends masterpiece and a amf venom with me, all pin to pap with 1/2 inhc or so.
The venom is longer and more mild backend wise probably the pearl particle i would guess, the legends masterpiece was smoothier because i really high glossed the ball i did like the roll of it but it was way more direct to carry with it.
The agent can do different thing i have a lefty friend who had his drilled with a 2 1/2 pin to pap cg out at 45 degrees drilling, his was smooth and continous. He had more oil on the left side so that and his drilling helped him get down the lane and then the ball turn over for him at about 48 feet or so.
My agent was move as far inside as you can and send it out kind of hook power, this ball reminds me a lane buzzsaw XL i used to own. I could move left and send it out and know it was coming back if dry help was there, i have the new cobalt and it does not for me have that exact reaction.
IMO it is stronger and earlier fired up and i think since it is symmetrical drilling options increase, if you hit the pocket it will carry very well. I had 10 pins get slapped from the 6 coming out of the gutter 4 times, usually the 6 pin for me stays down. It was funny 2 of them was after i turned around thinking i left a solid 10 pin, great hitting power. The days of the X-Factor have returned and storm lovers quit paying high prices to find a new one, this ball will outhook it on the backend.