So I call USBC rules department this morning and spoke to this guy whose name I wont mention. Told him that I was aware of rule changes based on two handers as far as drillings and thumb holes in the ball are concerned. Told him that when I went out there last year, I had no issues. But, another guy from my area had gone out there and was told in the scale room that they needed him to try and put his thumb in the thumb hole as though there was a size requirement for the hole. The rule book this year doesnt state anything about span length, thumb hole size, and weight hole specs for bowlers who do not use a thumb. It says nothing about having to be your "true" span length (my normal span is 4 1/8) but my equipment is drilled 3 3/4 and the thumb hole is directly under the ring finger so I can cover it with my palm if I have to.
So the rules guy at USBC tells me, "You are not sure what is going to happen in the scale room. You may or may not be asked to prove the thumb hole drilled is useful." SO....he is a rules person who cant tell me what the rules are in regards to proper drillings for two handers. He did ask, "Can you cover the thumb hole with your thumb or palm of your hand?" I said yes. He then stated, "You should not have anything to worry about. But why dont you drill your thumb holes to normal size?" I told him that there were no rules regarding hole size if you dont use a thumb and since my track clips the hole, that the smaller the hole, the less time my track will hit that hole and that I had to have a hole there for static weight requirements. His next course of action was to transfer me to someone else and that he could not tell me what to expect once I get to Reno.
Nothing in the rulebook states anything about covering the hole with your palm in regards to USBC. For the record, I did go to the pro shop and drilled my virtual thumb holes a little bigger. I am so glad that they can clarify rules regarding bowlers who throw the ball in a manner that I do.
My question is: why have rules for two handers in the rule book if you are not sure how those rules apply at your own tournament (USBC Tournament)?
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!