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Author Topic: A few bad frames...  (Read 1366 times)


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A few bad frames...
« on: January 03, 2008, 01:10:58 PM »
Got to my normally dry, really dry outside Thursday league in time to see that two guys put 16 games on our pair after they were oiled.  Normally my Nighthawk M2 is pushing being too much ball for the shot.  I throw plastic quite a bit here, especially the last game.  I really didn't want to start with it.

I put a little polish on my B/G Centaur a few weeks ago to see how it would react.  I had a nice solid last game with it a few Tuesdays ago on a more normal shot that tends to give me over/under fits the last game.  I was able to find a much more consistent line without having to fight the dry.

Anyway, tonight I threw two shots with it in practice and figured why not.  I knew the M2 would be too much, and while plastic is effective, I just didn't want to start there.  First game I had the front 9, got around one a ton and went right through the nose for a 4-7-10, 263.  The second I started flat 10, 5 in a row, suffered a 20 minute wait due to one of our opponents having a health issue (paramedics were called just in case; hopefully it was a false alarm and she is fine), got slow with the next shot for a 4-6, threw a few more strikes before a spare for a 234?.  Last game went spare, 6 in a row, got slow again for the 4 count split, made 5, struck out to the 11th, and left something for a 242.  Three giant splits (that I deserved) and still shot 739.  Even a few make-able spares and it would have been 770+

Now no matter how it sounds, it was not intended as a FIGJAM.  It was just an example of how the right ball and surface prep can help you on lanes that were far from ideal.  The B/G Centaur is a great ball when you need something that doesn't jump at the dry.  I'll have to put it back to 1500-2000 sanded for this weekend because I have a tournament on the Cheetah pattern.  I think this ball and surface will give me a great look from the ditch.  I used it some on Cheetah on my summer PBA league with some success, but that house doesn't give you any bounce off the ditch.  If this house plays more like what you expect from Cheetah, I think I'll like my reaction.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Lane#1 for donations to two consecutive  Ballreviews Get Togethers.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive



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Re: A few bad frames...
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2008, 10:00:47 PM »
Congrats, Geoff!!

I've been doing similar stuff but with a 2000 grit BGC. Tonight I started with a high gloss polished weakly drilled (2x6) LevRG, trying ot make it work. SHot 201 and 205. Gave up on 10th frame of 2nd agme and pulled out the BGC. Shot 258 with 2 10 pins and a 7 pin. Been doing that for 3 months now, testing a ball, with new surface or new drill for the frist game, using the the BGC for the 3rd or the 2nd and 3rd game. Averaging about 225 - 240 for the games using the BGC. Wish I could stop the testing and just use the BGC for 3 games.

GREAT ball!
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Re: A few bad frames...
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2008, 10:03:29 PM »
Nice rolling Strider!

Gotta love that B/G Centaur.  

BTW...congrats to PSU football this year.



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Re: A few bad frames...
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2008, 05:57:09 PM »
Well, I took the B/G Centaur back to 1500 grit for the Cheetah tournament.  The ball performed very well.  This Cheetah played more like how it is supposed to compared to my PBA league at another house.  Most people were playing more or less out, with a few heavy handed guys swinging it.  The Centaur gave me a great look from roughly 7-3.  Tugging it was a no-no, and getting it a bit wide was OK as long as I didn't get it out there early.  The Centaur tends to make you move as if you were throwing urethane.  Small moves instead of 5/2 minimum like a lot of newer equipment.  Once you're zeroed in, you can stay in the same zone far longer than you're used to.

Some poor spare shooting cost me once again.  I had four opens all day; three 10 pins and a 2-10 that I threw completely through the break point.   I finished at -4, one place (4 pins) from match play.  The next strongest ball I had with me (Tsunami) was more ball than I wanted to play.  Hopefully next time I'll make the easy spares and make some money.  In any case, the Centaur is a great ball when the lanes are jumping.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Lane#1 for donations to two consecutive  Ballreviews Get Togethers.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: A few bad frames...
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2008, 06:48:24 PM »
Sorry you didn't make the cut, Strider. Good bowling! Regionals and PBA patterns can be extremely tough.

Any thoughts about getting a 2nd BGC and using a different surface and/or drill for these tough tourneys?
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Re: A few bad frames...
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2008, 08:10:37 PM »
I hadn't really thought about it.  Surface is always important, but with the Centaur's core dynamics, I'm not sure a different drill pattern would make a huge difference.  I'd like to be less equipment dependent.  Something for each oil volume, then it's my job to make them work.  Well, maybe if I can sell some of my under used equipment here I can free up some room on the rack and have some free disposable income for something new.  

For this I took:
B/G Centaur
Tour Power
Weapon of Mass Bias

Everything pretty much smooth and dependable.  Make the easy spares and I'm in and like my chances with the look I had.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Lane#1 for donations to two consecutive  Ballreviews Get Togethers.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: A few bad frames...
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2008, 09:00:10 PM »
I think there are few drilling that would work differently onthe BGC. I just stick that in there in case someone brings it up. SUrfaces make major differences. I use 2000 grit matter most ofte, but on my other one I've tried a high gloss polish and it was able to handle significantly less oil. With the pin below the ring finger, it was still very smooth in its reaction.

To make this ball flippy I think you need both a high pin, polish and a lot of revs (400+) to get it to show anything other than arc. (TwoHand (Steve) says he got his to make a more skid/flip type of reaction; he does have a LOT of revs.
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