Hello All,
I will try to answer all the questions asked, but if I miss something, please don't hesitate to ask again.
Jeremy - does Visionary plan on putting out any drier lane/lower end balls in the near future (say 6 months). Or are the Gargoyles basically going to be your "low end" ball?
At the present time we don't have any mid-priced balls in the works. For the time being, the Gargoyle line is our least expensive balls, and will probably remain in our line as long as they continue to sell well.
Don - is there a certain date that's been targeted yet?
The release date for the AMB Solid has been set for August 19th. Just a little over a week away.
Scott - What's the difference between the Frankie May and the AMB Solid? Differential <.062 vs .056> slightly higher and the finish <400 to 1000> is what I see. Is the reaction close or
The release of these two balls back to back may confuse a few people slightly due to the coverstock preperations. With both in box condition, the AMB Solid will go longer and have more angle to the pocket than the FMay Gryphon. (keep in mind that we describe backend #'s as a combination of angle and continuation through the pocket) However, if you finish both balls the same, the AMB Solid will start up a little sooner and be a little stronger overall. Essentially, if both balls have the same surface, the AMB will allow strokers get more ball reaction than with the Frankie May Gryphon.
DP3 - Is this ball what was formerly called the "Immortal AMB" on the approved list?
No, the Immortals are still to come.
Eric - Just seen this post and was wondering how this ball compares to the
DC Tour?
I would have to say that this is the big brother to the DC Tour. The coverstock is stronger and handles carrydown better. The core is also a little stronger, and more user friendly. When drilled wrong, or into the heavy cap on the side of the DC Core, you could lose some of the dynamics of the core. This could create a loss in reaction, or cause it to roll out for some bowlers. With the AMB design, the driller is less likely to remove portions of the core, and should not affect the dynamics nearly as much.
Thanks again for everyones support,
Jason Wonders
Visionary Bowling Products