I completely agree!!! Don't get me wrong I really like my bank too! But the favorite had paid for itself twice over already in side pots and brackets and tournaments, and I have not had time to bowl as many tournaments as I would have liked to. I took my favorite to 4K cause it was just reading a little too early for me at 2K but it kept the same characteristic with a touch more length. It is the first ball out of the bag no matter what I am bowling on as you both have said it gives you such a good idea where the oil is on the lane and where the dry is. I never get over under reaction with it either, as well as have never had it get to jumpy on me. when i get to the point where I have a harder time keeping it right, i just switch to the longshot and its money! don't have to adjust anything! Best 1 2 combo i have EVER had