Hey, no doubt I was mad too!
But sometimes ya have to give up on anger.
I had a similar situation about a year ago with another new user on this site.
I went off!!! Just like I have above and more! The GUY DID change his ID.
I and several others smoked him out.
He fessed up, flew right and became a well respected member on ballreviews.
Doing many deals after this. In fact he even sold and posted under his REAL NAME. I respected the fact that he stood and and accepted responsibility!
This guy Crazy11 IS trying to change his MO, I think.
I have now calmed my slow starting but hot burning Irish Dander for now, and am willing to see the actual results of what turns out. It is hard for me to figure how someone could possibly cement 4 deals for a ball but, well it happened.
Currently I am trying to obtain a ball and have two offers from two other bowlers. I've notified at least one that I'm considering other offers and will soon notify the other. It's that easy!
Anyway. I'm willing to forgive at times, maybe this is one of those times!