I just picked up the playmaker on Tuesday and used it in league that night.
I never had the V2 Pearl, but I had the V2 Clean and it is much stronger than the V2 Clean was.
It has a strong arc shape, but not quite as hard turning as the ONE. Overall, it is similar in length and a couple of boards less than the One.
I must say that right now I'm still not sure on it, but that may be because of the lane conditions. The lanes were playing a bit lazy in the backends and most bowlers were having problems with their balls finishing.
It seemed to respond to hand position and release changes well. Giving the ball a bit more hand resulted in going from leaving 5 pins, to blowing by the 8 pin (lefty).
I think after I get a bit more familiar with it, it will be a solid addition for me.
Sarcasm Disclaimer:"This post may contain sarcasm, things that look like sarcasm, and things that might be mistaken as sarcasm. My sarcasm is self-made at my environmentally friendly laboratory and no human or animal was harmed to create the sarcasm found within this post."
Unless, you were harmed. In the extremely rare case were that to happen, Tough Nouggies!!!
Disclaimer provided by Jorge, Thanks.