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Author Topic: Dynamo  (Read 13506 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Dynamo featuring our all new Hurricane Diamond core, is a Powerplant of Destruction waiting to happen. The Dynamo''''s super low RG (.246) Hurricane Core builds energy like a powerplant immediately upon release. Engulfed by our own new cutting edge CATEGORY-5 Coverstock, the Dynamo cuts through the heaviest oils eliminating over-under. From start to finish, the Dynamo builds energy to waiting to hook and unload it''''s massive power on the pins.

Hopefully the lanes are wide enough..!!

   * Color: Black
   * Cover Stock: CATEGORY-5TM
   * Core: HurricaneTM Patented Diamond
   * Hook Rating: 125 out of 125 max
   * Backend Hook: 90%
   * Flare Potential: 5"+
   * Pin Placement: 12 O’ clock 1-4” out
   * 15lb rg min: 2.467
   * 15lb rg max: 2.516
   * 15lb diff: .049
   * Construction: Modified 2-piece
   * Finish: 4000 Grit Abralon
   * Available Weights: 13, 14, 15, & 16 lbs.



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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 05:22:57 PM »
I guess I'll be the first to post the review on this ball. Drilled the ball two weeks ago with the pin above the ring finger and the cg kicked right with a weight hole. I have slow to medium speed with about 300 rpm. First time I threw the ball was on a typical house pattern. The ball was definitely too strong the first couple games out of the box to throw on a house pattern.  Later that night I threw it on the Shark pattern on lanes that typically have little backend on any pattern. The Dynamo allowed me to open up a spot in the middle of the lane and had a continuous arc throughout the motion. Currently, I believe this ball is one of the strongest arcing balls I have personally thrown. I have experimented with the cover on the ball, putting more surface and polishing the ball. I liked the out of box the best. I believe Lane 1 is a winner with this new ball. The lane motion of this ball is different from the rest of the balls they offer on their current line.
Kevin Kerstein

Bellarmine University Bowling


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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 10:57:47 PM »
What can I say about the Dynamo... besides Wow this ball is one of the most hooking ball at 4000 grit abralon with a ton of backend.  I have had this ball for about 2 weeks and love it.  I used the dual angle drilling method of 45 degrees and 25 degrees 3 inch pin.  If you need a ball that hooks or have a problem getting a ball to hook this is your ball my 7 year old can make this ball hook.


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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2009, 09:58:35 PM »
Pin Length - 3.5
Starting Top Weight - 3.5
Ball Weight - 15

Pin to PAP - 5
CG to PAP - 5
X Hole (if needed) - n/a
MB Location - No marked MB, but the implied MB is next to the thumb
Drill is pin over ring and cg stacked straight down

Rev Rate - 350
Ball Speed - 16...less sometimes when the elbow is acting up
PAP/Track - 5 1/4 by 3/8 up


Grit - OOB 4k Abralon
Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - matte

Length - 37
Volume - Light
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) - Wall that varies between dry and over blocked

Length - Moderate length, it clears the heads and reads the mids.
Back End - A very hard but controlled and confident arc that just won't stop. It continues right through the deck.
Overall Hook - MEGA hook. This thing will hook in the heaviest oil.
Midlane Read - A very good midlane read that builds to a strong smooth reaction

Carry - The Dynamo carries EVERYTHING. Exceptional!
Likes - Smooth and powerful. It can smooth out an over-under shot. The ball never rolls out! You can actually play it in the med-dry and the smooth move just starts a lot earlier. You can play it in the puddle and it will still move.
Dislikes - The Dynamo is so smooth and never rolls out, so sometimes I keep it in play when I should go to something weaker.
Other - The reaction of the Dynamo and the Chainsaw are both so smooth, that I have an order in for a THS too.

I have tried the Dynamo on a drier shot using a handshake release and it went 45 feet straight out to the breakpoint and then made a hard smooth arc into the pocket and shattered the rack.

I have not messed with surface on the ball yet, but I have a friend who has his polished and it makes a BIG turn at the breakpoint. I'm keeping mine OOB for oil though. I can't wait for Richie to wrap a weaker cover on this core!



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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2009, 01:08:07 PM »
Well I was off for a few months (3 to be exact) and decided I was going to bowl a tourney that weekend. So I figured why not drill my Dynamos'. It worked out because I was asked to sub in a league that Friday night.

I took my first Dynamo 4-5" pin and 2.5 top and shined the crap out of it. We're talking crystal clear mirror finish.

Ball #1  5x0 layout.(A personal favorite of mine)
Pin is 5" from PAP on a 45* angle above my fingers. The CG and weight hole is on my PAP. Ending statics are 1/2 possitive side and 5/8 finger.

Ball #2 was 2-3" pin and 3.75 top
Drilled 5x3 pin below my middle as my PAP is 4 5/8> and 7/8^
Left out of box. Has 6" hole from the center of grip through CG 2.5" deep and 3/4" in size. CG is slightly below my midline. Ending statics were 3/4 oz finger and +side. Surface left out of box...

So.....I was at my sub night on a med volume house pattern. 40 ft. Very easy actually..

Pulled out #2 and the ball hooked into the 4 pin twice so I put it away.

Out comes #1 and man was it like the perfect match up. Great lenght with good pop and control on the backend. I have a high tilt so my balls really read the backs hard. I was able to swing the lane pretty much but if I never got it out of the big shim in at the 15 board it kind of hung. That hang was gone by the second game and I had the whole lane. Had 213 game 1 with 2 missed spares. Not bowling in months didn't help there. Well then I shot 530 for the last 2 with 15 in a row in the middle of the games. No 300 but was very cool to see the reaction I got. It was exactly like my Black Raspberry with the same layout I had back in the day. Maybe it is the all black ball but was very similar. With this layout the ball does what you want it to do. Hook it, straight, etc.. Really a good layout for the players that can manipulate their releases.

So I go to the tourney and they are pretty tight with a lot of hang outside of 9. looked like a 38-40 ft pattern. Med volume inside. Scores were very low. 86 entries and 14 were +. I was +68 for 4 games and that was good for 2nd high qualifier. Anyways, I pulled out #1 to start becasue I liked the reaction so much on the THS and I had to play tight around 17 to 13 and it looked OK.. 3rd frame I leak it a little and go 2-8-10 so I put it away and bring out #2. Well all I can say is I was actually called a cheater by a guy bowling next to me and he wanted my ball weighed becasue I was able to get it 3-5 boards further right than anyone in the building and have it return. I was so impressed with it. It worked for crap on the THS but was money on the tough stuff. 20 brackets and I won 16 and had a 2nd in 2 others. Not bad.

The finals were match play. 16 player single elimination. Win first match easy 240's to 200. Next match I bowl a PBA member that was out touring the PTQ's all year. Tight match. He was throwing a Virtual Gravity similar layout to my Dynamo and I out hooked him by an arrow. Winner 240 - 220

Catch a bad draw for the top 4 as the match on the other pair was 170-160 to bowl for the title. I leave a 3-6 in the 8th and chop it. Now I have to punch out to make him throw the first strike and I do.. He also strikes so I lose 205-200. Title match was 180-170... If only I made that spare..LOL

Anyways. I was the only player to have 200 in every game. Being rusty I really needed good ball reaction and the Dynamo gave me more miss room than anyone else...

The Dynamo is a keeper. I drilled the Ball#1 layout for 2 other people and it was just as good for them.. Try it!!!

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 National Sales Manager and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
 Check out current eBay auctions at: Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Pro Shop Own

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2009, 10:01:15 PM »
Chuck was kind enough to send me a ball to do a video and write a review.  This ball didn't have any logo on the ball, so I didn't know the core design when I drilled the ball.

I laid the ball out using a Dual Angle layout.  The specs were 65 by 40 with the pin 4 3/4 inches.  My axis is 5 1/2 over 1/2 up.

I have to say that this is the strongest backend ball by Lane #1 that I have ever thrown.  On our typical house shot, I was able to stand pretty deep and wheel the ball out to the dry area down the lane, and get the ball back without a problem.  For those guys who bowl on Medium to a little Heavier Oil patterns and like the long and strong reaction, this one will be the ball of choice out of the Lane #1 line.

Video Clip -

Please email me with any questions.
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"

John D Davis

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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2009, 05:49:55 AM »
Ok fellas, I thought I would give mine at least a month before I done a review. I drilled mine straight over the label with the pin above the fingers. The ball has a 2.7oz top with a 3.5 inch pin. Before I even threw the ball I hit it with Beans Secret Sauce, mainly because I had a Buzzbomb at box finish and I didn't feel that I needed two with that much surface.

   My first impressions was that it was just ok. Sometimes the break predictability just wasn't there, and other times it was just a little to much on the backend. To be honest it really was a disappointment for the first few games.

   I went to another tourney and was told before we started that it was going to be something like 34 ft. of oil and flat... I look at all my stuff and I didn't have but one buzzbomb with some surface and all the other stuff was more or less shiny. So, then I went in the shop and hit the Dynamo with 4K Abralon and brought it out to start with. That night the best look was on the twig, and there was a little to much oil for the first game or so. After my buzzbomb started checking up earl, I then went to the Dynamo and it was on from then on out. Now my Dynamo rolls amazing! I can roll it on the heavy stuff or roll it on even the medium to light depending on my grip pressure... To be a heavy rolling ball, it sure clears the heads GREAT! I have now used this ball on at least 4-5 different tournament conditions and it has worked great on every one of them.

   The Versatility of this thing is remarkable. I know you read alot of reviews and they say stuff like its amazing, best ball ever,etc. Well to me, this could very well be the best ball I have ever put into my hands. When the backends are flying, you can bet the farm my Dynamo is going to be rolling smooth once again, while everyone elses balls are going sideways.
Truly an amazing piece Lane 1. I don't think it will get the play it should just because it isn't much to look at. But I feel bad for the person neglecting this ball because of looks for its gonna be their loss! Perfect 10 and nothing more for this ball! Two words........"GET IT"         John Davis


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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2009, 11:51:03 AM »
Ball came through UPS Wednesday and I punched it last night. Drilled it leverage stacked and left it OOB. Bowled six games on Brunswick synthetic lanes with a 41 ft THS laid down. The ball was really aggressive as I hoped it would be however somewhat jumpy which got me into a little bit of trouble sometimes. After I bowled I took in the shop and wet sanded it down to 2000 hoping it might be become a little smoother. I am bowling a tournament in a few hours and if I have a chance to throw I will update.
Austin Burris


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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2009, 06:41:08 PM »
I picked up the Dynamo hoping it would cut through some really, i mean really heavy oil laid out as a Sport Shot pattern, not a THS.  This ball really moved!  I was throwing a Hammer Black Widow Venom, polished and sanded down but it didn't matter I couldn't get the ball to make it back to the head pin.  The Dynamo does and affords a lot of room for error - I recommend it on heavy oil (at least for someone with my specs:  Avg. 195, righthanded, medium speed, medium revs, drilled Stacked).  The ball delivers a nice, controlled arc to the pocket! I give it an A plus.  Just wish i had purchased a 16 lb. ball and not the 15 lb.

AJ Sabet

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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2009, 03:35:23 AM »
WOW!! What can I say?  You can throw this ball on a sheet of ice and it will hook!  This ball is GREAT on heavy oil and hits HARD!  You can play this ball as deep as you want and it will come back.  My opinion is one of the best balls EVER made.  Never rolls out!  All you guys that struggle with heavy oil this is the ball for you..


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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2010, 05:29:51 PM »
Love my Dynamo! This is the most reliable ball in the bag. I can pretty much know what I am going to get from this ball. It reads my mind almost.
I have my Dynamo drilled CG axis leverage. The pin is just bellow and to the right of my RF. I have the ball to 2KAB with a lite polish on it.
The ball is great with the fresh oil, it gives a consistant read through all phases of the lane. It has a very smooth mid lane read with a hard arc to the pocket. You can't really play up the boards with this drill pattern. You really need to give the ball some room to do it's things and to carry. If you get it in to much there will be a 10 pin waiting for you to say hi! There is great continuation through the pocket. I did have this ball at 4KAB with a heavy polish. But I was experiencing over under very bad with it as the night went on. The carry down did not mess well with the controllable hook I was looking for. So once I took it down to 2K and a lite polish this ball has been money. 15 to 5 and out. The ball has great recovery and doesn't get snappy or jumpy for me. The  only real dislike I have about the ball as it is all black, hard to pick up the roll with the ball. I drilled out the black slug I had in it and replaced with red slug and that was fixed. If you like to read you revz down lane or the roll of the ball make sure you add a color slug to catch them. I don't use finger grips so I guess those could be used too! LOL.
Great all around ball, can use for fresh or late night if deep enough. Carry is excellent if not tugged for me, then its 10 pins. Balls takes to cover stock, hand changes flawlessly. Can be speed sensitive if your late and there carry down. Close to as strong as my RD but not the BD. Fits in between them. Great ball for when the lanes are funky and neither death with get the job done.


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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2011, 10:30:29 PM »


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):


Likes: Not my favorite ball I ever owned but had its place. With oob surface I struggled but sanded it a bit and this ball got tons better.

Dislikes: If theres not enough oil it just will not work


larry mc

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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2011, 10:21:23 PM »

Length:42 ft

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):ths


Likes:smooth reaction , good length

Dislikes: not good on heavy oil



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Re: Dynamo
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2011, 02:58:48 AM »

Length:  39 ft.   


Volume:  20 units                        

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS

Ball Specs:  14 lb. with 2-3" pin; drilled label stacked pin just right of ring finger.




Likes:  I didn't like it, at first, because I'm speed (13-16 mph) & rev challenged it just kinda slid down the lane & didn't do much for me.  However, after taking the cover down to 2K Abralon, it's a hook monster.  Needs oil...too much for my THS, but will work for some of the tournaments I bowl in, and that's pretty much the reason I bought it.
Dislikes:  OOB surface (4K Abralon just isn't for me), and the fact that I can't use it more often due to lack of oil on THS.