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Author Topic: Bowling decline and integrity (response to sawbones post)  (Read 390 times)

T Brockette

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Bowling decline and integrity (response to sawbones post)
« on: August 21, 2006, 09:07:24 AM »
According to statistic's, bowling is the most popular recreation sport in this country. I agree, if a person is going to work the counter, where questions will be asked, they should have knowledge of what is going on at the center. That being said, is there a more demanding group of people than league bowlers?

Now, before I get trashed, I am a league and tournament bowler. But, I have seen league bowlers cuss employee's out. I have seen league bowlers threaten employee's. I see on a nightly basis, league bowlers being rude, treating the employee's who are doing there best to help them like dogs, classless.

Why do we expect preferrential treatment? If you go to the movies once a week, do you expect to be treated different? If you play softball every week, do you gripe and moan and threaten when something doesn't go your way. Since when did it become ok for us LEAGUE BOWLERS to kick the equipment? Since when did it become ok for us LEAGUE BOWLERS to drop balls on the tile, breaking them? Since when did it become ok for us LEAGUE BOWLERS to slam our fist into the scorers?

I am lucky, I bowl in a center where the employee's have been installed with a great deal of customer service knowledge. Where the manager is there at night when the leagues are. I bowl at a center where they will be up about 250 league bowlers this fall. Integrity? I laugh everytime someone brings this up. Integrity starts with us people. Until we as a group. lose the egos, start treating people who are trying to help us with respect, and basically act like we have got some upbringing, quit whining about integrity.


Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack