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Author Topic: Bowling Today: When low scores are great bowling.  (Read 2292 times)


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Bowling Today: When low scores are great bowling.
« on: July 01, 2005, 01:14:34 PM »
Ok, short version of today's bowling experience.

Scores: 138, 158, 169, 178. Low eh? But it was a good feeling.

Long Version:

Went to a house that I don't frequent that much because the atmosphere
and people are less than ideal, but I needed some practice and it is the
closest alley.

I started the first game and tossed my normal first shot to read the lanes.
(I'm between a stroker and a tweener - a righty stweener). Ball hit the alley
and skidded about 2 millimeters and broke left into the gutter about half
way down the lane. (Ball: Pearl Lane 1 Quantum). I thought, okay a bit of a
dry lane, move left find the oil. Result? Knocked down the 7 pin first ball,
two more pins the second. Total score after two first frames? 3!! - Okay,
more dry than I thought, move left more - brooklyn pocket hit - left 8.
Converted spare..... moved further left to find the oil, then again further
left...then thought about even farther left on the lane. Well, there was no
more "left" to go, I'd be outside the building - you see, I'm bowling on lane
number 1, there is a wall in the way. I was at least covering the
spares, left a couple down the gut splits, missed a ten pin. I finish out the
game with a 138. I was actually proud of that silly 138 score. Ok, time to
start to think.

Hmmmmmm,,... what to do? I got down on my tummy, to look at the oil pattern
on the lane. After careful inspection, I wondered to myself.... where IS the
oil? Being on lane #1, I took the opportunity to walk down along the lane
on the service walkway to actually reach my grubby hands out a couple times to
sample the oil...anywhere....well there was none, zero, zilch, zippo anywhere.
As in none.

Ok, my next move? As far right as I could go, play straight to the pocket.
Try that a few times for the start of the second game. First three frames?
Strike, pocket 7-10 split, 9-spare. Still not too happy with the ball roll
and consistency of my throw.

I decide to switch balls. Here is the kicker, what did I switch to? Well, you
see I just acquired my fathers old AMF AmFlite Magic Line rubber ball (circa
1964). It is full knuckle drilled, no grips - pure old style - I haven't even
checked yet to see if it is still actually round - but I had it with me and
it was the only thing I had that could possibly be used on the oil-less lane
I was looking at.

Moved a bit left, played second arrow tossed it straight down the alley and
the ball moved about 5 boards. I thought, okay, this might be workable. I
had to go really old school. Throw a full roll, lots of lift, no real turn
to the ball... began to find the pocket much more often and consistently, only
problem was the carry was not there. I left a lot of single five pins, ten
pins, and 4 pins. Got a lot of work on spare shooting. Felt pretty good. A bit
more experimenting and managed a 158. Again, it felt kinda good just to scrape
out that 158.

Next two games, I was able to find the pocket more reliably. I even managed
to get a turkey the last game...I must admit, I struggled a great deal having
to straighen out my shot and use a non-finger tip hold, but you know what? I
was at least able to adapt a bit and feel good in doing so. Plus, it was
pretty cool using my father's old ball to do it.

As I left the alley, I noticed the lane mechanic sitting out front of the
house and I asked him as I walked by, "out of curiosity, when was the last
time you had the machine oil the lanes?" His answer: "Lanes 10-20 - wednesday
before league. Lanes 1-9 - monday." I kinda looked at him funny and he
smiled back at me. So I said, "Hey thanks for the extra challenging shot!
I needed the practice."

That is when he looked at me funny and laughed.

Anyway, I thought it was a hoot.

So, that is my story as to when "low scores are good bowling."

Anyone have a likewise story?

Dr. Joe

Dr. Joseph Howard
Joe's Physics Page    

"Imagine what you could do,
if you could do what you imagine"

Edited on 7/1/2005 9:13 PM

Edited on 7/1/2005 9:15 PM



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Re: Bowling Today: When low scores are great bowling.
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2005, 09:21:55 PM »
Well back in february I bowled on the us open pattern at carolier and I must admit I sucked. It was good though I realized I had to become more versatile and make the shots according to the lane. So I started subbing for a pba league and got about a good 20 games of subbing in and had a 143 average. The last 2 weeks I've bowled on the us open pattern and the abc championship pattern, and I have been doing very well. I averaged 169 on two of the hardest shots in bowling, and now I feel like I'm much better for putting the effort in to get better.
Hey Mo, how bout a clear plastic ball with a vanguard core


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Re: Bowling Today: When low scores are great bowling.
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2005, 10:21:03 PM »
Dr Joe, that was great.  Thank you for sharing the experience.  I commend you on your attitude.  Many bowlers would have had a fit and probably left before they finished a game.  

I can't say I have a story to quite match yours, but we have one center in my area, that even when they oil, it is dry.  I was bowling a tournament with a friend.  He knows my plastic is for left side spares and goes straight.  I couldn't get any of my usual equipment to find the pocket, everything was hooking crazy.  I pulled out the spare ball and played my usual strike line.  The ball hooked and carried the pocket.  My friend asks me what I was doing to get that ball to hook.  I told him nothing.  He shook his head and laughed.
It's not that life is too short.  It's that you are dead for sooooo LONG
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"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Re: Bowling Today: When low scores are great bowling.
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2005, 06:38:06 AM »
Sounds like my New York City bowling experience last February at the Port Authority. I had to learn to take everything out of the ball, play the 18 to 1 shot and hope I could leave something that I could spare. I managed to throw 2 games in the 190's on it. Taught me next time that even if I can only bring 2 balls out of state on vacation, one of them better be either a dry lane ball or a spare ball, as you never know what conditions you may encounter.
