This layout, for a high tracker, can possibly cause a track to roll up over the middle finger, thumb, or even all the way over the ring finger in some cases.
A prime example is the Total Inferno. I track high as it is, and I drilled a Total with pin directly under the ring finger, which causes the ball to roll over the thumbhole. That being said: the ball reaction I was looking for with this ball could not have been attained as well with a different layout, so it's not always 100% necessary to follow the specific instructions of a ball manufacturer. Don't be afraid to toy with layouts, because a ball rolling over the thumb or not will be less difference in carry (in some cases) than the ball hooking 2-4 feet further down the lane because the ball driller used a different layout than the perfect one for the desired ball motion.
I am a righty, with a high rev rate (400-500 rpm) and semi-high speed (16-17 mph). Book average is 202, and I consider myself one of the most versatile bowlers I know I can play a stroker, tweener, or cranker line, depending on what the shot calls for.
For a game based on the principles of science and math, bowling sure does have a bad habit of being illogical.