Thanks guys, I am looking forward to this so much. I remember back when bowling was more rewarding. Yes, I am young (22) but I started just after urethane came out. I learned to bowl with a Gyro (cobalt blue), a black and maroon Hammer. I had the Teal Rhino Pro. I averaged 190 in eighth grade with a Gray Phatom and Black hammer.
I miss those days, that is why I am starting up this league. I want the difference in winning and losing to be the execution of shots and spare making. I don't want it to be who will carry the ten pin.
We have 18 signed up as of today Dec 29. I am hoping for at least 10. Anything above 12 I am a happy camper. I would be totally happy. I am taking flyers out today to promote the league since the bowling center won't do it. I want this league to succeed in every way.
I will update often with how things are going. Thanks for the input guys.