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Author Topic: yet another ball maintenance Q.  (Read 1084 times)

Big Jake

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yet another ball maintenance Q.
« on: May 29, 2006, 01:07:23 PM »
Hey Group,
 Ok, here's the question for tonights discussion: when someone says "I always clean my ball right after bowling with Storms Reacta Clean or with what ever brand"

 does that me they clean it right there at the ally or do they clean it at home or the next morning?

 and if they mean right at the ally so then everyone brings the cleaning agents with them to do on the ally or back at the car???  

 I mean good grief I already bring a 4 bag roller with everything in it but the kitchen sink  but one has to do what one has to to keep the high-performance balls alive...

 My Scorchin-Inferno died on me like they have on a lot of people so I'm just getting info from the brotherhood to make my next high-performance ball last
longer.....Later All, SJ
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Re: yet another ball maintenance Q.
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2006, 05:04:08 AM »
I keep a bag of wet ball wipes in my bag, but I only use them after playing on either very oily shots or dirty ones (I have one house that collects so much dirt and grime, you get black hands after league play. YUCK!). Additionally, I wipe my balls before each shot, not only to keep the clean and minimize oil absorption, but also to keep my hands from becoming slippery with oil residue in the track area when I pick up the ball.

Normally, I clean my balls later at home or the next day, with a mild kitchen cleaner - mostly to get rid of machine oil. Some matte oild balls also receive a frequent bucket treatment, but that's rare since I recently do not face much oil over summer time. In winter, with league play with ever-changing locations and demanding patterns, I do it more often, every 2 months or so, I guess.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: yet another ball maintenance Q.
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2006, 06:44:07 AM »
When i clean them. Ill wait til i either get home or take it to my proshop the following day and use the spinner.. So i dont understand why people would do it right at the alley.

Because the oil seeps and soaks into the coverstock NOW, like immediately.

I take a 4 oz plastic container of cleaner with me and a wash cloth sized micro-fiber cloth with me. Do you know how little room they take in a bag?
I spray the track twice on one side, let it sit for 2-3 seconds, then wipe it off. Then do the other side of the track. If the whole process takes 45 - 60 seconds for the main ball you used on the oil, that's a lot.

By the time you get home, the oil has soaked in.

As for the dirt and marks on the ball, who cares? They won't affect the performance that much.
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Re: yet another ball maintenance Q.
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2006, 06:55:44 AM »
I am lucky/unlucky, I guess. My wife was the President of one league, now the Secretary, Team Cpt of another, now Secretary of another, grandkids to pack up so I had/have time to wipe down all the balls before we go home. I do that right then and there. I use my own creation of cleaner, a couple days later, if needed, I'll use Clean N Dull, but only if needed, so to answer your question, as charlest has said, a small bottle of cleaner and a rag doesn't take up that much room, I clean them before we leave.

If you think about it, even if you don't have the room in your bag, buy a small tote bag, put your cleaners in there, the cost of that greatly is a savings over a resurface or a new ball.
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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: yet another ball maintenance Q.
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2006, 08:44:23 AM »
I clean and polish any polished balls as soon as I get home.  As for dull balls, I clean them every time I get home and when they start to shine up a little I use the Clean and Dull.
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