I changed the surface on my Jackal in an effort to use more than just the first 1-1/2 games as the oob dictated on my league condition.
I tried polishing oob and found for me it got greater length but was too twitty at the break point.
Then, I hit on the combo for me. I sanded the ball with a used 500 abralon pad and polished it. Ball will play in the oil or punch out to the dry and give me a more predictable break point. Heavy roll & carry was great. I can now use all three games if I wish making easy moves as the shot migrates inside.
Ball drilled pin in ring finger mass bias 2" right of thumb.
My specs 5 -3/8", 3/8 up = axis point , 14- 15 mph, tweener
"like my Jackal - love my Covert"