According to Brunswick's charts, they're not supposed to hook much. The hook rating is 70, and the backend rating is 75. They all hook more than the Blazing does, and the hook rating on it is 110 with a backend rating of 90. YEAH RIGHT. My Ice Blue will outhook, outbackend, and outcarry the Blazing, plus the fact it's more predictable and consistent.
As far as core dynamics, I was referring to the ball's inability to rev. It flares nicely, but you can have a flare monster that won't do jack squat. PK 17 is a strong cover, but being pearlized makes its reaction in oil virtually zero. It has an extremely high rg, characteristic of skid/flip balls. Meaning that if you hit some carrydown, instead of hitting light, or maybe leaving a 2 pin, you'll be leaving a washout. But when you have fresh backends, this thing will be one awesome ball.
Get my point now? There's no way it's a 70. I'll believe the 155 for length, but not the hook or backend ratings, cause they're off. That and the ball doesn't rev, two pretty simple points.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from Shrek!
"You know how you tryin to give somebody the hint, but they won't leave, then there's that big awkward silence, you know . . . ."