Dude mine hooks feet---all back end.
It's like a sinister, but hooks more.
Exactly reminiscent of the critical theory, except you don't have to shell out 300 bones for one!
I was surprised at how well the ball:
-Is unique in my bag.
-Replicated the original critical theory (saved me from putting holes in my nib trio of the line)
-performance for the price is one of the best I've seen, comparable to the widow line.
-Gets down the lane and violently kicks off the pattern. I'm hoping it calms down after 30 games cuz good lord.
Take my experience as a good one, I didn't speak up on balls like the dream big, menace, any of the !Q's, the crux...
The hyper(s), sinister, and now this got me nearly throwing all roto. Couldn't be happier!