So, I plugged and re-drilled the Invasion. The drilling didn''t change a whole lot. The pin use to be in the ring finger, now it is about 1 inch above the ring finger. The MB is kicked a little more rignt and the coverstock was taken to 2000 Ablaron. This would be about 4 1/2 X 4 with a 2 inch buffer.
I can''t say that I got great reaction, but the reaction I recieved was considerable better then the reaction I was getting on the first drilling. I only have 4 games on the new drilling, so I still have some work to do, but I can see that I''ll have a better chance of using this ball in this configuration.
I actually drilled a Reign the same way to see if I can have a 1-2 combination.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Edited on 3/12/2010 9:36 AM