If you are bowling on heavy oil, this may not have been the best choice. A Rule or Animal MAY have been better. A polished pearl reactive on heavy oil drilled for a big backend will usually not recover in time to hit full pocket (skids too far, not enough friction). Only thoose with lots of hand or those who can feed the ball to the dry early enough without over reacting will be ok on the heavy stuff. If you are not bowling on first shift/heavy oil, then I would say firm up your line you are playing ( less loop, straighter to the pocket) and go for it. See what happens. If you still do not like the reaction, try a light sanding to knock off some polish (yes, I know, its a pearl) but everyone liked the Adrenaline a few years back and it was a sanded pearl out of the box.
Any questions, please write!
Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460