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Author Topic: Formula  (Read 12105 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
Click here to shop.

Creating the perfect FORMULA!

Turn up the heat for a breakthrough discovery! Introduce our new FORMULA to your game and watch the transformation begin. Get used to perfect scores with the combination of our new stair-step core plus our new coverstock, Vaccine. Providing outstanding performance with control, this FORMULA’s the miracle cure your’ve been looking for. FORMULA...our solution for those of you who want to reinforce your skill with the force of science.

Core Technology: Stair Step Top Core with Bottom Flip Block.

Core Technology Benefits: Creates a medium/low Rg for mid-lane roll.

Coverstock: Vaccine

Coverstock Benefit: This light loaded, large particle creates controllable hook in oil and maximum backend.

Hardness: 75-78

ABC/WIBC Approved: Yes

Track Flare: 5

Color: Teal/Blue/Red with Silver Sparkle Engraving

Hook Rating
Overall Hook: 50
Hook Oil: 25
Hook Dry: 25



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Re: Formula
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2003, 12:43:16 PM »
Let me start out by saying this is the first columbia ball I have thrown in over 5 years.  This ball had a long 1 inch pin.  2 3/4 Top weight.  I drilled it 4x4 pin next to ring finger.  I used this ball on my scratch league which is has been fairly oily lately.  This ball is speed specific if there is heavier oil but gets to the pocket and hits pretty good.  So then I had to make up for my couples league on friday.  medium oil christmas tree pattern.  Shot 236,236,300 = 772.  This ball reads the midlane awsome on medium oil patterns.  This is my best medium oil ball now.  So then I take it to my tournament on sat.  Lanes are really dry outside and light to medium oil inside.  I could even use this ball on that pattern to.  I could play a great swing shot to 10 board and it comes back and smashes the pocket.  I guess what I am trying to say in this review is that columbia has made a monster of a ball out of this one.  It is very versitile.  Since this ball is what it is for the money I know now that I am going to have to drill me up a ego.....  GREAT JOB COLUMBIA STAFF....

Chris Chandler

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Re: Formula
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2004, 05:04:25 PM »

This is a great ball.  I've drilled two of them.  One drilled Pin below and center of fingers...Mass 2" poss.  The other pin below ring finger Mass 1" poss. (Alittle less agressive) This is a very early rolling ball.  Makes a good clean mid lane trasition and just plows the pins.  Really like this weight block and hope Columbia realizes how well it rolls.

Chris Chandler


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Re: Formula
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2004, 09:27:03 PM »
I've got to give Columbia props on this ball.  We put a Rev leverage pattern on the ball, and at first I was unable to control the ball.  With a high track, the ball wanted to go really early.  However, after experimenting with the ball on different conditions with different releases, I learned that if I drop the track a little bit...maybe 1.5" from the holes, the ball gets all the length you need and has amazing recovery.  I have been able to open a few sport shots up with this ball (must be a thick condition with backend).  If you want any more specifics, feel free to contact me.

bowl well

Ed Smaglik


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Re: Formula
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2004, 05:31:45 PM »
first let me say that i use only columbia balls[for two reasons] one, if you drill your ball to YOUR style and lane condition coulmbia balls are very predictiable ,[two] they seem [to me] to have longevity on thier coverstocks,with that being said,the formula is very consistant ball i went out for the first time ON MED OIL CONDITION and bagged a740 series,also praise the formula on how long the skid actually is before it cleans the rack,[hard hitting ball] this ball does it all,on dry to oily lane conditions,,, specs on my drilling ,zero top weight,lenth drilling,med revs on ball,35degree axis on ball. i think it,s better overall than the messenger,or detour.


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Re: Formula
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2004, 06:18:59 PM »
Drilled this ball pin under the ring finger, no weight hole.  In box condition, I shot 300 the second game I used it, but struggled for a couple of weeks despite the honor score.  I just couldn't seem to get it to face the pocket right to carry and it gave me alot of over/under.  I then took a grey scotch brite pad to it and this ball really hooks.  With this surface, it won't make it out of the bag much, but it definately fits the bill when the lanes are really tight.  I really don't think this ball was marketed properly because with a little surface, this ball is extremely strong.

Hope this helps,
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Formula
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2004, 05:59:16 PM »
Hey, first review-check it out.  I just got the Formula drilled to go long and strong on heavy oil.  Shot a 202 first game with it and upped my average to about 180 since.  This ball is very versatile and gives similar reactions on the three oil patterns I've thrown with little adjustment on my part.  Hits very hard-no need to throw it very hard which is great because I'm a pure finesse stroker.  (huge Tommy Baker fan!)  I've only bowled seriously for about a year and as long as this ball doesn't need to be sanded every month, I can see my average climbing and climbing.  Why isn't this ball more popular?

You gotta love any sport where you get to throw heavy objects and knock stuff over.

Bowling Balls Australia

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Re: Formula
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2005, 08:26:30 AM »
Sorry guys, not a review, but a question.

I have just taken up the sport again after 22 years & was never any good at it then either!!!!!

I bowl too quick (27kph is my comfort zone) & do not have a very active hand, but I am working on that aspect. Our house is wood & has just been resurfaced. The big downside is the conditions are normally very wet. Currently I use a Hammer Vicious Attack, works OK if the oil has not been applied for the day, but as soon as it has I might as well use plastic.

One of my suppliers has suggested the Formula would be a good choice for our conditions. I am looking for something I can throw which will go long & then break hard into the pocket. I do not particularly want to have to change my "style" as I just do not feel comfortable slowing it down, nor do I want anything which requires too many revs cos' that ain't me either. Other suggestions I have had include the Diesel Particle & the Throttle (according to reviews on this site there is no longevity in the latter).

My question is 2fold, is the Formula the answer, if so - how do I drill it? If not, what would be a good ball for my situation? I have no allegiance to any particular brand.

I would value all & any suggestions.
"Australia's Discount Bowling Store"


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Re: Formula
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2005, 04:00:03 PM »
best ball


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Re: Formula
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2005, 02:58:11 PM »
strong roll, with great backend traction. since i've had mine the only problem is carrying the 9 pin!!


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Re: Formula
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2005, 04:06:09 PM »
i just shot 289 with it, i love my formula!


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Re: Formula
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2005, 10:05:47 AM »
Bought this ball about a week ago and last night was the first night I threw it.  Shot a 210 230 and a 225 with it.  I love this ball.  When it hits the pocket it seems like it takes no prisoners.  This ball is very good on heavy oil.  Hopefully I'll shoot my first 800 with it.


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Re: Formula
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2005, 12:28:35 AM »
this ball rolls really strong in the midlane and helps me if i need to play inside the lane on fresh oiled shots and a little carry down...the ball turns the corner nicely and hits the pocket with authority...i
tried two or three of these balls with all different layouts and it still rolls up in the pocket nicely...i have one over the label now with pin above fingers mass bias below thumb and just try to make it happen out on the lane..this ball is great shined or dull...its best to try both to tweek the ball a little...good ball by columbia300..this is a great mid price ball if you cant afford an expensive one for oiler conditions...

senior citizen

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Re: Formula
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2005, 03:41:12 AM »
I had this ball drilled 9 months ago, but I only tossed it about 3 frames twice in practice.  At that time the lanes where I bowl required me to swing the shot across the middle (I'm not very successful with this shot) and this ball didn't seem to help me any.  Eleven days ago my normal house recoated the lanes and changed the oil pattern.  It is now flat oil from 5 to 5 (used to be higher in the middle) with a taper from 5 to gutter.  The first night of my handicap winter league was last Friday and we had to establish averages.  Since my Formula had the least mileage (basically, none), I decided to take it to the first night.  I shot 805 (279, 278, 248).  Since I only booked at 209, I realise that my team is doomed for awhile (until I can stabilize at a more realistic average).  Of course, I am ecstatic with the score and with the ball. My highest prior series (started this darned sport 43 years ago) is 725.  Today, I took the Formula and 9 other balls down to the lanes to practice and compare behavior.  I played the same basic line as in league: straight up the 5 board at about 16 mph.  The other balls included: Brunswick Goliath, Lane 1 Golden Nugget, H2O, Uranium pearl and solid, Brunswick Fire Quantum and Power Groove Proactive Plum, Storm Hot Wire, and Track Hexplosion.  With slight adjustments to feet, hand, and speed, I was able to get to the pocket with each ball.  The Formula alone produced all strikes.  I had spent 2 hours prior to practice cleaning all the balls thoroughly with Track Clean and Dull.  Guess which ball I'm starting with in tomorrow's classic scratch league? [Hint: it's made by Columbia]
I bowled my best score with the house lights completely off.


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Re: Formula
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2005, 01:34:00 PM »
2nd review.  My ball is about a year old now and I've since bowled several 250+ games including a 789 series.  No 300s...yet.  The ball is just fantastic on a house shot with or without carry down.  I play the middle of the lane and throw about 16-17 mph with med revs and it just leans into the pocket.  Hits hard like a skid/snap reactive with enough control to avoid crazy splits.  Since it is discontinued, I will recommend its new twin, the U-turn particle.  I'll just use the CPR on mine and keep it clean.  Btw, mine is drilled for length and a hard turn on the back 15 feet or so.
"If horse racing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a very good sport as well."  ~Homer Simpson