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PBA style match play against Mushtare
« on: August 01, 2006, 01:08:38 PM »
Would you bowl Mushtare a scratch best of 7 against him? No prebowling jokes here, straight up you vs him. Oh, and you have to bring 1,000 dollars and he'll bring his. Would you gamble a grand against him. Don't mistake him for being a bad bowler because he is far from that. But are you confident you can beat him?



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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2006, 08:27:48 PM »
Can someone douse some gas on this horse, I think its still alive!

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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2006, 08:31:49 PM »
keys="car keys"

You see ...for 8 months the statements have been coming!

"If I go there I'm going to throw 900 too!"

"If I go there I'm going to throw my first 800"

"If I go there I'm going to beat his little..."

"If I go there I'm going to stare him down and make him admit..."

The thing of it is...eight long months...NOTHING! Nada.  Zero..  Zilch.

If I could count the puffery fo statements on this site it must count over 300 of them..."If I go there.....".

ME....I'm not going to go there and bowl him for money on his shot!  You think I'm nuts....the guy is an animal!  You will see no puffery from me regarding beating him on his home shot!!  Their ARE horses for courses!  

Next time I start averaging over 250 on my home shot for a protracted period of time...maybe I'll puff up!

BUT....none of this has to do anything with whether he has shot 900 or not!
Not one bit!

The suspense is killing ME!  I thought Tim Mack and he were going to bowl a set...a couple of sets...OH I thought that was great...I wasn't sure of the outcome but I was excited about watching a young power bowler against a world recognized power bowler.  Now if they said they were going to put on a spare making expedition...not so exciting.  Or a sport shot exhibition(YAWN).

Sort of like in golf...IF someone said...want to see an exciting match.
How about John Daly vs Hank Kuene...Guess what...

"And here we are golf fans ...we have an exciting match for you today scheduled for today's pay per view...we've got it...what you were waiting for...
John Daly...Hank Kuehne two of the longest hitters in golf engaged in a chipping and putting contest"...ME...""!

I want to see strikers strike.  I'm over the waiting.  Much like when you were in school...a bully comes up to you...."I'm going to kick your butt after school today".  Me...I was too impatient for that.  "I'm available NOW...could we get started NOW!?"  I hate to wait.  Was that a prediction!? NOPE!

300 claims I estimate...8 one has gone there(except Tim Mack for a few practice balls together(disappointment)....I hate to wait.  Please someone great who lives there or near there...go up there and show us a match on the shot they put out for the 900s!  I JUST want to SEE something!  Someone find their keys!!!!!  ANYONE!  Someone in the big hands club!  Let's see some striking!

I can envision a series of match's like this.
Titled "Welcome to Robbie's House!".

HEre are my favorite matches.

1.  James Hylton...tell me you couldn't promote that match!
2.  Tim Mack(I really like that guy after seeing him in the piece this weekend)
3.  JAson's a fun match!  Match play master.
4.  Rudy Revs!!  WOW!
5.  Ryan Shafer..his part time coach who I like!
6.  Jeremy Sonnenfeld!
7.  Pete Weber!
8.  Patrick Allen

I think these would be so exciting! and high scoring.  NO PREDICTION who would win!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

If you won't put up your own money to bowl him, shut up with the car keys comments. You ain't getting yours out, stop complaining about others. Where I come from if you talk the talk, you should walk the walk. You are walking s*&t. You sit there and tell everyone else to go there and bowl him to prove something yet, you sit there in your comfy chair and just write posts about others. Until you get off your a&&, you have no grounds to complain about anyone else. Like I said, you made such claims about your business successes, pay my salary for the days off from work, pay my expenses to get there, use your connections with the Musthare family to assure he will be there, and I'll bring my checkbook and we'll see whose better that day. But nooooo, you'd rather sit there and complain about others. Step up ot step off!!

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2006, 01:09:14 AM »
jorge shut up, lefty has done nothing but back him up and has never requested to take him on, slow ur roll.


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2006, 06:49:58 AM »
UCF Knight...MIke

You can read and understand!  I appreciate it! thing that has amazed me about Jorge the Penn State Graduate...
is that he seems to have no logic or more IMPORTANTLY the ability to read.
(all the graduates I know from that university have those two qualities in spades...what happened)?!

Above...I don't see my name listed as challenging him...nor would I ...I believe that strikers strike and he is one of the boys ...I think in the BIG HANDS CLUB!

My point is that someone great lives by him.  It would be great to see them bowl on his..."Robbie's" condition and see a link out here to a video.

I seriously would have loved him and Tim Mack to have filmed a set or two!

I'd say I can envision this little set of matches replacing parts of the pro tour this year(how about replace the skills challenge with this set of challenge matches)...or how about pay per view!
I really think it would be exciting!  If promoters were around like in the heyday of American promoting the 20s and 30s I can't imagine someone wouldn't see this could sell.

I've listed my top pick...but I"d like to revise my second pick to  Steven Black...vs Mushtare.
1. James Hylton
2. Steven Black.

I know this...I'd pay to see those two matches.  No prediction who would win...but you got to admit it would be fun.  Somehow I just don't think this series would be as exciting on a Sport or Flat condition do you?

If I was a  promoter (I'm not) the two above and the previous list of pros...we'd pay trip and mileage and 50,000 to the winner of each match.... winner take all.  To a trust fund for Robbie's Education of course.  Anyone know if that's legal.

Anyone got a contact at ESPN/pro tour to see if they have any interest in this series?

Jorge300...after looking at a list of prospective bowlers for the free mileage trip and $50,000 didn't make the cut!  Neither did I, No interest from the public.(but if maybe you could get your written comments changed to verbal and televised by ESPN..sort of like Steven Black...maybe then we could get some interest).    But if you would like to take a trip to beautiful and often cooler upstate Niagra Falls...Lake Ontario...the St Lawrence seeway...or Canada in the wouldn't regret it!  Just imagine...a refreshing and enjoyable vacation in UPSTATE NY...followed by a wonderful stop by Pine Plains lanes (is close to all of them and a stop in)...a hello...a challenge and a video record of it...appreciated.  If not...we's a long've got a family...these are valid reasons/excuses I really understand!  For the rest of you far away..we understand too!

But for the detractors and especially those with puffery...
The "I'm gonna club"....... within 200 to 300 miles...wouldya?  And wouldya please?  And soon!  I JUST WANTA SEE SOMETHING!...ANYTHING?!  PLEASE!

The suspense is killing me!



Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2006, 07:17:26 AM »
jorge shut up, lefty has done nothing but back him up and has never requested to take him on, slow ur roll.

UFC, No I won't shut up. Why? Cause Lefty sits there and calls everyone out to go bowl Robby, and tells them to put their money where their mouth is. He is asking hard working people to give up their own money to go and do this. Now that I called him out on it, he revises his comments to "only 200-300 miles". He is a hack, and he knows it, and you know it too it seems. He wants everyone else to walk the walk yet he doesn't have to. If he is soooo interested in a match, take on the challenge himself. I never said he had requested to bowl him, but if he wants a match so badly, then he can step up to the plate.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2006, 07:26:58 AM »
UCF Knight...MIke

You can read and understand!  I appreciate it! thing that has amazed me about Jorge the Penn State Graduate...
is that he seems to have no logic or more IMPORTANTLY the ability to read.
(all the graduates I know from that university have those two qualities in spades...what happened)?!

Above...I don't see my name listed as challenging him...nor would I ...I believe that strikers strike and he is one of the boys ...I think in the BIG HANDS CLUB!

My point is that someone great lives by him.  It would be great to see them bowl on his..."Robbie's" condition and see a link out here to a video.

I seriously would have loved him and Tim Mack to have filmed a set or two!

I'd say I can envision this little set of matches replacing parts of the pro tour this year(how about replace the skills challenge with this set of challenge matches)...or how about pay per view!
I really think it would be exciting!  If promoters were around like in the heyday of American promoting the 20s and 30s I can't imagine someone wouldn't see this could sell.

I've listed my top pick...but I"d like to revise my second pick to  Steven Black...vs Mushtare.
1. James Hylton
2. Steven Black.

I know this...I'd pay to see those two matches.  No prediction who would win...but you got to admit it would be fun.  Somehow I just don't think this series would be as exciting on a Sport or Flat condition do you?

If I was a  promoter (I'm not) the two above and the previous list of pros...we'd pay trip and mileage and 50,000 to the winner of each match.... winner take all.  To a trust fund for Robbie's Education of course.  Anyone know if that's legal.

Anyone got a contact at ESPN/pro tour to see if they have any interest in this series?

Jorge300...after looking at a list of prospective bowlers for the free mileage trip and $50,000 didn't make the cut!  Neither did I, No interest from the public.(but if maybe you could get your written comments changed to verbal and televised by ESPN..sort of like Steven Black...maybe then we could get some interest).    But if you would like to take a trip to beautiful and often cooler upstate Niagra Falls...Lake Ontario...the St Lawrence seeway...or Canada in the wouldn't regret it!  Just imagine...a refreshing and enjoyable vacation in UPSTATE NY...followed by a wonderful stop by Pine Plains lanes (is close to all of them and a stop in)...a hello...a challenge and a video record of it...appreciated.  If not...we's a long've got a family...these are valid reasons/excuses I really understand!  For the rest of you far away..we understand too!

But for the detractors and especially those with puffery...
The "I'm gonna club"....... within 200 to 300 miles...wouldya?  And wouldya please?  And soon!  I JUST WANTA SEE SOMETHING!...ANYTHING?!  PLEASE!

The suspense is killing me!



Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

What am I missing Lefty? I never said you did challenge him, what I said is you SHOULD since you want a match so bad. I think your Penn State comments show your true colors, as stated before by another poster, when you are cornered by either sound logic and reasoning or by someone like me asking to back up what you are asking of others, you resort to your childish name calling.

And I didn't make your list, should I start to cry now? Oh please Lefty, please put me on your list. And now your a travel agent too huh? Well sorry to disappoint you but I've been to those places already. Why should I go back? I'd rather go somewhere I've never been before. Maybe you like to go the same old places all the time, and relive your childhood otr your good ole days or whatever it you do there, but most people like new experiences.

And lastly, it wouldn't be as much fun on a flat or sports pattern, Why? Cause your wunderkind can't hit the water if he feel off a boat on those patterns? Or just because you don't think he is good enough to bowl on those patterns? Why not put out the BTM pattern, it is one of the most difficult patterns I have ever bowled on. No advantge to Robby or whoever you get to bowl him and let's see who is the better bowler. Cause isn't that what you want to know? Or do you just to set it up so Robby looks good against someone obviously better then him? Maybe you can have Robby prebowl his scores for that match, i'll bet he wins then!!

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2006, 07:53:08 AM »
NO matter what...

Defeated in logic discussion, pinned to the ground in your inconsistencies, shown to be wrong...over and are undeterred.  Pointed just above how you are wrong by other people...even people who agree with you on the subject of Mushtare...and you persist... it's own weird way!  YOu are persistent and belligerent at all times(a certain pricklishness that usually is called another word)..a quality that I guess in it's own weird take pride in...

YOu make the challenge...then you can't drive that far!  OK we understand!
Is there someone else?  We got are not going to make it...We understand.  You are not's just an inconvenience that you can't fit in right now. Anyone else?  Who doesn't have those reasons/excuses?  I assumed closer because people who live farther like you are bowing out due to distance.

At no time have I made the claim that I am a striker in the league of Robert Mushtare...I believe that about MANY bowlers including many great ...and complete bowlers...why...again should I put my money in play against him when I believe he is just as good as he says...when YOU...made the challenge?  If you want to make a bet on who would win between you and he in his center on the 900 condition...I'm game...if you are not going to turn me in to the feds?

NO not prebowl...heads up!

Any chance to get back to my idea..

Replace the skills challenge with a bunch of strike fest matches between Robert Mushtare and other 900 shooters, detractors and famous PBA pros...I think they would be quite an attraction!  I really like the James Hylton idea!

Okay...I'm braced  Here come a bunch of other pricklish comments...brought to you by Jorge300!



Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2006, 08:00:02 AM »
This is just rediculous, sorry for others lack or "reasonability" lefty.  Common logic i thought was simple to understand, but i guess not for jorge.


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2006, 08:22:30 AM »
NOw I agree with Kdawg...unbelievable!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #40 on: August 04, 2006, 12:16:05 PM »
This is just rediculous, sorry for others lack or "reasonability" lefty.  Common logic i thought was simple to understand, but i guess not for jorge.

The only things common around here are you and lefty.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #41 on: August 04, 2006, 12:23:56 PM »
    What logic am I failing to understand. Your original post asked a question, would you bowl him under these conditions. People replied, including me. So now this is a challenge? We are supposed to get into our cars and begin driving to NY right after we answer your question? Mehtinks your original post was just a way for you to continue your bashing of those that don't agree with you then. I find it hard to believe that anyone who answered your question was taking it literally, that by saying we would bowl him it meant we start the trip right now. And if you were thinking that then you are showing some very closemindedness. I am not scared of bowling anyone. I bowl against former and current PBA members in my leagues every week. You started comments like "get the keys", and the like. Yet I am the one being illogical? OK. You keep believing that, if it makes you feel better. Maybe I should start a thread and see how many bowlers want to challenge you, Lefty, and if you decide not to take them up on it I can treat you like you have been treating everyone else.

I do agree with one thing, you are ridiculous. In your groupie love of Musthare, to your ideas about others, to your resorting to childish ridiculing my education. I guess your parents didn't teach you any better.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"

Edited on 8/4/2006 12:20 PM


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #42 on: August 04, 2006, 01:31:28 PM »
It was not my post!

I just do seem to be a new poster...I don't remember a prickly fellow like you in a long time...these posts have been out here since his first 900!  Last October??

Not ONE match has taken place...we know your are free not to go!

I don't care if you ever bowl him at all!  I don't care if you ever bowl anybody!  I really could care less about anything you do!

What I care about is that for 8 months I have seen boasting, puffery, lambasting, accusations etc...

8 MONTHS.  this is ONE of MANY MANY MANY posts along this line since last year.
Out of all these posts...not ONE...I estimate over 300 posts...not ONE has gone up there to bowl him in his wheelhouse.  Do I want to know who the best bowler is!  NO!  I already know who that is.....Earl Anthony!  Virtual tie with Walter Ray bowler...I get that on TV!

I want to be entertained...I want to see a Home Run contest.  I want to see macho man vs macho man striking for days.  It is WHAT HE does...I don't want to see him throw spares!  I can go watch sport shots and see that!

I want to see the guys who've called him out bowl him...James Hylton, Steven Black...I want to see top striking pros go after him!  I want to see him at what he is best at!!  Throwing strikes on an easy condition.  

Just like when I go see John Daly...I want to see the big stick...not 5 irons off the tee!

If it was a boxing match I don't want Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield to have a power punch hand tied behind their back and have a jabbing contest...I want bombs away!!!

I don't want to see a 220 average bowler who skies to 230 on this shot!
I don't want to see some old guy bowling with his other hand(like me) shoot a good for him 670 while Robbie shoots 789!  I want to see Fireworks!
I want to see Patrick Allen droppin some bombs on him...and him back!
I want to see that Rudy Revs smack coming down!  Lets see some bombs!  I want to see World travelling Tim MAck droppin some bombs away on him and back!
As to what I really believe MAKE NO MISTAKE, I believe that 99.95% of the bowling population is foolish to think they can stand up to him on his home shot and are going to be donating to him!  But after over 300 boasts and claims out here...I want to see 1...just 1...maybe a teeny weeny 1...stand up and do it!  NOW.

I could care less what you do Jorge...seriously my post is not about can't do it...stand down..we understand ...we know...please don't post again about why not...THIS is looking for that 1.  Or seeing if anybody thinks we could get ESPN interested a series of these knockout matches scheduled and broadcast!

That's fun! That's what I want.

I'm hoping the next post is...JOe Big Bombs bowler saying...I'm going!  PLEASE!
NO more posts that say...I'd go ............BUT!!!  For those who can't make it...we truly do more posts are necessary...move on with your bowling life in your area! mas!  

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #43 on: August 04, 2006, 04:43:21 PM »
Damn...another I can't make it post!

And I rushed over to see who was travelling!

Nope just Mr. Nothing to add poster!



Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #44 on: August 04, 2006, 09:33:39 PM »
Damn...another I can't make it post!

And I rushed over to see who was travelling!

Nope just Mr. Nothing to add poster!



Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Lefty, for you, just for you:

This is some inside information about the ESPN and Mustare segment.

 Mushtare, Mack and Jamie Grimm all bowled five games.
 No 300s, 900s or any honor scores were shot.
 Tim Mack averaged roughly 220. Robert was NOWHERE as high as Mack, even though they bowled on the pair that he shot one of his 900s on. Mr. 300 Jamie Grimm was lucky to shoot 150!

I'm glad I told the person who was responsible for getting ESPN interested in the show to include Jamie Grimm, because his "alleged" pre-bowled  300 game ended up being more unbelievable than Mushtare's "alleged" 900s! To quote somebody who was there at the segment; "No way did Jamie Grimm shoot 300, he can't even average 150."

I'd love to hear those who defend Robert, to explain why he couldn't average over 200  for five games while bowling at his walled-up home house. I guess the pressure got to him, or could it have been because of having "real" witnesses around?

That was from,so you can go see it for yourself since I know you won't believe me.

Maybe you should pay up on that bet now!!

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"


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Re: PBA style match play against Mushtare
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2006, 07:26:54 AM »

Lefty, no response, I hope you paid your bet.

"Ray, next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!"