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Author Topic: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style  (Read 5082 times)


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The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« on: July 23, 2005, 12:10:23 PM »
I guess the others are still having too much fun to post - either that or Joe Falco is still bowling and all the others have died from exhaustion.

Unfortunately, I had to depart the scene early after, as usual, missing the cash in the Scotch Doubles tournament by only 1 pin. Work was calling. Before I left, there was a lot of bowling and carrying on.

First, let me go on record as saying that there is No Style Like "Big Willie Style". OMG, it was the most incredible thing I have ever seen in 36 years of living. The man is a either train wreck or the most incredible 300 game waiting to happen. Let us not forget that the only thing about him that is not Irish is his approach; I think the approach is "from hell" so to speak.  I honestly enjoyed meeting this guy - he's definitely one of the most unique individuals I've ever met.

SrKegler is a dangerous, dangerous man. Don't ever let him trick you into thinking he's not a good bowler. He and MrsKegler both are a barrel of fun.

Strider made a brief appearance on Friday night before work beckoned. Lucky Lefty showed up just in time for dinner. Storm Track had to endure 4 games in the Scotch Doubles tournament with me at his table, which is horrible enough for anybody to endure; when you factor in the weird spare leaves his partner was giving him, it was quite the night to remember.

Thong Princess is pretty cool for a California girl. I just wish she'd really express herself sometimes . Best part is, SHE'S A LEFTY. Nearly the perfect woman, yes?

Joe Falco is probably still bowling while wondering why all the kids have collapsed in a heap around him. Ya know, he's the only guy who will smile and laugh after every frame whether it's a strike or a split.

I didn't have nearly enough time to talk to Nollster, MMike1053, and everyone else, not to mention all the fun I missed today. Next year I won't have to work on a Saturday, so I'll have the pleasure of meeting everyone.

Ron C is still trying to figure out what part of Big Willie Style he should attempt to work on first. Maybe it would just be easier to have us all convert to 7-step, right-handed, loopty-loop-armswing, goofy-footed, backup-ball bowling (Big Willie Style for the uninitiated).

Mrs. Clifton will hopefully forgive me for the late-game crotch chops I performed after striking to miss the cash by a stick. I promise to only chop when I'm winning; Scouts honor.

'Twas a grand time for me for the little time I was there. Pics are most certainly soon to follow.


None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....

Edited on 7/25/2005 6:18 PM

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2005, 05:32:36 PM »
Thanks to Ron, Lane 1, Storm, Rotogrip and to all you great people who came out made such fun possible.  We had a total of 25 BR members make this years gathering.  Thongprincess flew in from California, Storm Track flew in from Illinois, MMike & Amy from Memphis, Bigwillie from Florida, John & LindaP came in from Kentucky, Nollster from Pennsylvania.  This gathering wasn't a cheap weekend for a lot of them.  My thanks and appreciation to all of this years participants for giving me some more fond memories to comfort me in my old age.

As soon I can recover I post from my copious notes and give you the nitty-gritty on all the participants.

Thanks again everyone.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Charter member F.O.S.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2005, 07:18:03 PM »
Well, finally found one muscle that isn't aching.  Thought I'd give you the "cast of BR gathering 05".

Pinnut - If Ron was doing a training film on the perfect lefthanded delivery, this is the guy he would use as an example.  Just makes you envious of how easy he makes it look.

JohnP & LindaP - Southern hospitality at it's finest.  They are the kind of people I missed living up north.  Salt of the earth, could just spend hours talking with them.  Sure hated to see them leave, but sure appreciate them fitting me into their busy schedule.

MMike1053 - To hear him talk here on the board you'd think he didn't have a clue about bowling.  Ron must have worked his magic before I got there.  I sure never saw many problems with his game. He's another bowler with talent.  With his skill and my luck............

Glenn28 & Linda - Perfect couple.  One word from Linda and you knew she was from North Carolina.  I think John has her carry his bowling equipment otherwise a strong wind would blow her away.  Might be 5' and 90#.  This little gal can sure put a hurt on you on the lanes though.

Nollster - Energizer bunny Jr.  Bowled 32 games on THURSDAY, before the gathering even started.  

Storm Track - Flew in from Illinois.  Poor guy, had to room with Bigwilly.  Then he finds out the lanes are dry down here compared to what we are used to up north.

Lexlefty - Another great bowler.  Check the list, I finally got him to quit lurking after 2 years and make a post.  Sure hope he makes himself heard on here more often.

Joe * Kay Falco - The original energizer bunny.  Once Joe starts bowling, Ron has to kill power to get him to stop.  Always one more game, strike or split doesn't matter, still got that big smile and laugh going on.  Wish I could have bowled a few more games with him.  There's next year though.

JPRLane1 - Had some bracelts made up for us, BR Gathering 05.  Nice touch.  I asked him what he really did for a living.  He said something about an apartment complex called the "Bunny House".  Should I put Charlotte on my stopover list?

Billy Sewell - Was really glad he made the gathering.  We done a ball deal about 4 years ago.  Post office lost the package.  Sure felt bad for him.  Things worked out in the long run, Billy won this years bragging rights tournament and a new Lane1 H20.  

Luckylefty - What can I say made my day.  For years my equipment had been drilled 3/8 reverse, 3/8 under palm.  Every ball driller said that was too much reverse.  Needless to say, my thumb has been torn up for years.  He took one look and said since I have very little flexibility, that my original drilling are probably right.  Got to meet his son, LittleLucky.  Going to be a fine bowler someday, not too shabby now.

Strider - Can't figure this guy out.  When he lived in Mobile, he could make every gathering for the entire weekend.  Now he lives 20 minutes away and can only spend a couple of hours there.

Thongprincess - Guess the cat is out of the bag.  One of my best friends.  This must have been the 6th, 7th time we've bowled together.  Her new coach is also doing wonders for her game.  Things are coming along.  We try and plan around her school committments.  

Bigwillystyle - Words do not do this guy justice.  All I can say is you guys are lucky.  You only have to put up with him one weekend a year.  I'm stuck with him the rest of the time.  Saturday he shows up to bowl with an orange shirt.  It says "Old people only move to Florida to Die".  He got that for me since I was lucky enough to beat him a game or two the day before.  He still had on his pajama bottoms, green and yellow with fruit loops logo all over them.  Told him we were bowling not golfing.

Course, we changed his name to Thongprince.  He shows up at the restaurant wearing his sumo wrestler disguise.  You guessed it.  Luckily the rest of us had already finished the meal.

As far as his delivery goes, lets just say Livespive is poetry in motion compared to him.

For those of you who made the gathering, thanks.  For those of you who didn't, too bad.  Sure wish the gatherings were longer.  So many friends, so little time.  Sure hope I haven't overlooked anyone.  Stay tuned for future installments.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Charter member F.O.S.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2005, 09:22:07 PM »
Guys, I am soooo freakin' tired from this week, I can't even tell you....Didn't help seeing BigWillyStyle and that d*mn sumo suit in my dreams -- the image is burned there forever!!  The drive home was uneventful but sad.  It was a great time spending the weekend with all of you!!  Sorry I didn't get to spend more off lane time with many of the group -- starting the Gathering off with an all day session with Ron was great, but exhausting in the end.  I'll post more tomorrow after a good nights sleep -- maybe LuckyLefty and Russ will have actually made it on the road by then!!  For now just let me say that this was a great event and I apologize for offending many a family at the Dancin' Pig!!


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2005, 09:32:59 PM »
As in prior years the get-together was GREAT! SrKeg did a fine job of describing things .. He and Mrs SrKeg are great people. The couple have visited a number of states and met a lot of BR members .. they have a picture album of snap shots without names that SrKeg runs through naming those in the picture .. GREAT memory!

Naturally, Ron and his wife Karen were fantastic hosts .. both of them are TOP NOTCH! They made the whole thing exciting .. right up to the I HOP breakfast on Sunday morning.

We had a STORM rep there who talked bowling and bowling balls. He fielded a lot of questions from those in attendance .. did a great job! Spoke his mind on a lot of different topics and it was great to have him there. It was an excellent opportunity for the company to get to BOWLERS .. something that OTHER companies should consider for future gatherings!

There were a few NO SHOWS .. too few too mention! It was a pleasure to spend time with all that was there .. I'm already looking forward to NEXT YEAR!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2005, 10:43:11 PM »
LindaP and I had a great time with the group Friday, just wish we could have stayed longer.  SrKegler -- SMOOTH, they go together.  He did admit to missing a spare in 1969.  Thanks for putting it together.  And thanks to Ron and Karen for being such great hosts.  Karen made a 4-7-9-10 split and acted like it was an every day occurance.  I can't add to what SrKegler said about Big Willie, just unbelievable.  And Thong Princess -- WOW!  Really hope we can make another Gathering some time.  --  JohnP


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2005, 07:49:40 AM »
Wow did I have a good time and wow did I bowl like crap but hey that is to be expected.  

Lets see here it was nice to meet everyone new and it was nice to see my old friends as well.  

Srkegler and Wife it was a pleasure, nice guy good bowler and he didn't even get mad when his wife beat him one game.  I didn't talk with her much but she does bowl with the proper hand(LEFT!) so she must be a really nice lady.  

Joe Falco & Wife what can I say I love this guy to death just keep him off the lanes and away form a pool table, yeah right good luck with that you would have to use a straight jacket.  I swear when joe is 137 years old he will still be bowling and he will still be striking.  

StormTrack AKA The TrickShot Master is a super nice guy, very good bowling game from what I could see.  Also a fierce competitor on the lanes you can't tell if he has 4 on a row or 4 splits in a rox very reserved.  PLayed some pool with him and had a beer or two just a really nie guy.  

Bigwillystyle what can I say if this guy lived closer we would probably be best friends I think we are a lot alike and that might be a scary thing.  Although he is right handed he bowls better on the left side of the lane than I do and is a pretty damn good spare shooter.  You gotta love the inflatable sumo suit.  If he comes back up here were hitting the buffets both pizza and non pizza I finally found someone that might can keep up with me.  Oh and one meal at Bojangles on me Bro.  

MMike1053 I really enjoyed meeting Mike and other than his love for storm equipment he is a really cool guy.  We had talked a little on here prior to meeting about our games and such and well Mike has a very solid game, very good ball roll and I thought was a consistant shot maker.  He was really making those storm balls roll good.  Mike had told me he needed to iron some kinks out but he looked like he was throwing the ball good to me.  Also and excellent pool player besides the 130 degree heat in the pool room I had a blast.  

ThongPrincess well this is the second encounter I have had with her and we talked a good deal more this year than last year as we crossed together.  I sitll didn't get to see her thong maybe next year, LOL.  She has a new coach as most of you know from reading her posts and she is getting ever more consistant with her game than she use to be and that is scary because she was already very consistant, now just about anything aside from, a 7 10 split is getting picked up by this lady.  

I missed Pin-Nut as I was only there saturday. I assume he skipped seeing me on purpose as so he would not have to watch me bowl anymore in fear that my spare game may rub off on him.  Keith though is a hell of a nice guy and one damn fine bowler.  

Nollster I didn't get to spend much time with but I did watch him bowl and he was a very good game and a good ball roll.  Had a realy high game 261? before the tournament I guess he shot his load a little early.  Super nice guy.

Billy Sewell and his Dad it was nice to meet them both.  Me and his dad talked a minute we were both holding back on our games as not to discourage everyone else.  Billy throws the ball really well and dominated using none other than a uranium pearl and blueberry buzzsaw.  I hope he enjoys that NIB H20 he took home with him.  

Luckylefty look to me like he had more skill than luck as he threw the ball very well and gave me a run for low ball speed king.  We have close to the same span so he even tried out my XXXL as one pair of lanes were quite dry.  His son was there too and threw the bal pretty good although he does use the wrong hand(Not Left).  

Strider made an appearance and as always insisted on looping the entire lane with his manly revs.  Geoff (sp) is a super nice guy I have known him since last year.  Wish he didn't have to work as he did have to run off but it was nice to see him once again.

Glen28 and His wife nice people and good bowlers throwing some of that fancy new track stuff.  His wife was having feet problems as were a few of us but otherwise I am sure she would have beat the crap out of him.  Seriously though they both threw a nice ball and were very nice.

Last but not least and hopefully I haven't left anyone out but I am sure i have.  Anyway I would like to thank Ron C. and his wife for having us.  They are the best hosts you could ask for.  Beautiful center as always nice lanes, good oil and great hospitality.  Ron is a stand up guy all the way.  Special thanks to his pupil Andy who was injured or i am sure would have beat all of us, thanks for keeping score Andy and good luck with you arm.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!

Edited on 7/25/2005 9:39 AM

Edited on 7/27/2005 7:23 AM
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! 03/04/05 Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2005, 09:36:17 AM »
OK....Now I'm at work so I have some time to post!!

First have to start with HUGE props to Ron and Karen for being the gracious hosts that they are!!  Creekside is a great bowling center with an incredibly nice staff and the best spicy chicken fingers in the universe!!  Can't tell you how many chickens can't type now from all I ate!!  

Also want to thank....Mike - you have to help me out here 'cause I forget the Storm reps name again!!  I'm such a loser!!  Anyway, he was more than happy to share his thoughts/feelings on the controversial USBC ball proposal.  Was also kind enough to provide us with some swag!!  

On to the attendees....
Pin-nut - I didn't get to spend too much time with 'Nut, but he definitly rolls a pretty ball.  Got to hear a few stories from his tourney experience which was very cool!!

JohnP & LindaP - Incredibly nice people and it was a shame they could only stay for a little while....

MMike1053 - Another great game in the making!! Very smooth and a great guy!!  Thanks for hooking us up with the keychains Mike!!

Glenn28 & Linda - What can I say about these two??  They gave me my most memorable moment from the gathering!!  They're the perfect bowling couple -- right up there with....

SrKegler & Cheri - It all starts with you Darrold!!  Thanks for putting this thing together!!  It was a pleasure getting to bowl the tourney with the Mrs. on Saturday -- couldn't believe she wouldn't share the cake!!

StormTrack - All I saw him throw was Roto Grip!!  Gotta get that name changed!!  Had a lot of fun bowling with him!!

Joe & Kay Falco - Got to bowl in the Braggin' Rights Tourney with the legend.  This man must have a nuclear core 'cause he just NEVER stops!!  He and the Mrs. are a class act, no doubt!!

JPRLane1 - Thanks for the wristbands!!  Didn't get to bowl with him much, but he's a fun guy to hang with!!  Next year I won't be so freakin' tired so I can  hang out later in the night....

Luckylefty & Russ - Got to talk with Lefty quite a bit.  Mostly on golf though as I wasn't about to start the thumb pitch debate!!  Hope Russ had a good time, too.  He's a great kid!!

Strider - Hopefully he'll be able to stay longer next year!!  Kind of popped in when he could, but definitely would have liked to have bowled with him.

Thongprincess - Our other legendary star!!  Sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you.....

Bigwillystyle - Ummmm, well....yeah....Seriously, Willy's a blast to hang with and even more fun to watch bowl!!  The backup ball with the big hand loopty-loop and the shoe squeek -- definitely something that has to be witnessed by all!!  Like I said earlier -- the image of him in the sumo suit has been etched on my retinas forever!!

9cline - What happened to you, Nina??  She's got a great game, but just kept disappearing on us!!  You've got to stay longer next year!!

If I've missed anyone, I apologize....I know we had some new arrivals on Saturday that I didn't get to talk to or bowl with -- maybe next year!!  You have to get to a BR Gathering -- the best is finally being able to put the faces with the names and realizing that bowlers are a great group of people!!

Magic Carpet

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2005, 10:03:46 AM »
Well I finely got all the crazy people out of here. My staff kept asking me…you found these people WHERE?

After traveling the country for 3 weeks straight and then have this crew show up on your doorstep makes for quiet a month.

I can’t thank you all enough for attending the 3rd annual “Gathering” and I think it was a big success. I have always said that bowlers are among the greatest people on earth and you guys are the cream of the crop. I saw great bowling, good sportsmanship and kindness abound.

Yes I have pics of “Big Willy Style” in his “Fat Ba$tard” suit and I will post them on my site…BUT it may take me a day or two. I am behind on answering around 50 emails from people wanting to set dates for lessons and asking questions. Plus all the other work that piles up when you are gone for a long time.

I know that I did not get to everyone that wanted some help and I apologize. It is amazing how fast time flies at a big event like this.

I would like to offer special thanks to “Lane One Buzzsaw” for the donation of a ball and shirt to the event. They even sent me a hat autographed by all the wonderful people that make the balls. It is prominently on display in my pro shop now.

I would also like to thank “Storm” and their southeastern rep David Garber for attending this years gathering. Storm donated a ball and some really cool key chains. David Garber spent about an hour with us in the meeting room answering questions and telling us some great stories about the history of Storm.

I am sure that everyone will remember these two great ball companies when we get ready to order your new equipment for the coming season. I strongly believe in supporting the companies that support us.

Special thanks to Sr. Kegler for making the event happen and for being my Ron C’s Magic Carpet rep. I think we even turned LuckyLefty into a Magic Carpet user!

Thank you all again for attending and I hope to see even more of you next year!!!

Ron Clifton
Ron C’s Magic Carpet

Edited on 7/25/2005 10:00 AM


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2005, 03:20:18 PM »
I am exhausted right now, but had to check in.  I arrived home safe and sound, no flight delays and no lost luggage!

Once again it was an amazing weekend.  I look forward to next year.  As others have said, bowlers are the best people and every year I get the opportunity to meet even more of these great people.

Special thanks to:
Ron and Karen for putting up with us 3 years straight.  Fantastic hosts!  SrKegler for securing the donation for Lane#1 and putting this together!  
MMike for the Storm donations and arranging for David to spend time with us.  
and to all who made the gathering, thanks for the memories!

More after some sleep!  Right now I'm going on about 2 1/2 hours sleep, so an update later!

It's not that life is too short.  It's that you are dead for sooooo LONG
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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2005, 03:41:37 PM »
Well, I just typed a very long entry, but since I accidentally put a choice word in there by mistake (a....then a couple of these  $$) wouldn't let me post, and when I hit the back post was gone! I'll update later, but I'm home safe and gald everyone had a good time.

Big Willy Style
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
***This message brought to you by the A.O.B.U.B.O.A. (Assembly Of Back-Up Bowlers Of America) which is now taking applications***  


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2005, 08:18:58 AM »
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! 03/04/05 Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Level 2 Certified Coach!


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2005, 11:24:58 AM »
OK...I'm back, and ready to re-type my post...

First of all, would like to give special thanks to: Ron and Karen Clifton (and the staff at Creekside Lanes), Andy, SrKegler, Lane #1, Storm, and David Garber.

Now, on to the roasting...

This guy is one of the smoothest lefties this side of the Mississippi. Throws a darn good ball, and the crotch chops...LOL they were funny. Wish you could've stayed longer. Next year I suppose.

SrKegler and wife Cheri:
You guys were soo sweet. It was always fun talking to ya or just being around you two. And by the way, the shirt says FLORIDA: Where old people go to die! And the pants were Lime Green with the Lucky Charms logo all over them!

Glenn28 and wife Linda:
You two are both great bowlers, and I'm glad we got to bowl on the same pair just about every time we touched the lanes (Scotch Doubles, Braggin Rights, practice). And don't forget Glenn; when using motor oil to keep your pancakes running smooth, use AT LEAST the viscosity of your breakfast doesn't break down and you throw a piston!

Magic Carpet and wife Karen:
I really appreciate the hospitality you showed not only me, but all the BR rejects (I mean bowlers ) that were there this year. Sorry you didn't get to work with me on Sunday, but like I said all along, when you get this old, you can't bowl as much as the young, spry Joe Falco anymore!

JohnP and LindaP:
Man, these two were the epitome of Southern Charm. Just talking to them for the few minutes I did was worth the trip alone! I really wish taht you could've been there for at least 1 whole day, but I guess that the guest appearance was enough to hold me over till next year!

Nina baby, you're like a magician. One minute you're over on lanes 1-2 throwing monster strike one after the other, and the next minute, you're gone. You throw a phenomenal ball, with a nice release. Hopefully next year we'll get to talk about more than your $125 Track spare ball.

"Jumpin" Joe Falco and wife Kay:
WOW...I guess I'll have to work harder next year. I thought that I would be the most charismatic person at the Gathering...but unfortunately "Brooklyn Joe the Energizer Bunny" had other plans! I'll never forget him throwing those strikes during our Scotch Doubles tourney and pulling his arms to his chest and yelling "I'm a Tigahhh!" I'm thinkin that maybe the rest of Ballreviews will have a chance of winning, if we put like an age cap on these things....I guess like 80 years and younger would keep Joe and Darold outta contention!

A 261?!? The game before the tourney?!? I guess you just didn't want everyone else to look bad during the tourney...You're a great guy, and I wish you could've stuck around Sat. night, for the billiards and beer...and the air hockey viewing (drooling thinking of spectator air hockey).

Don't worry guys, we're gonna rename him TrRoto-Grip, cause he did end up throwing a couple Track balls...but not much. Seriously though, it was great to meet you and get to spend the weekend rooming with you (although I'm sure you were wishing I was dead when you had to ride all the way to Mr. BBQ with me driving while wearing the inflatable Sumo costume.)  GOD, the look on everyones' faces was worth the trip! And next year...I'm not gonna take it easy on you in billiards Mr. "Minnesota Fat's Mini Me"!!!

Billy Sewell and father Arling (sp?):
Congratulations on winning the Braggin Rights tourney, and winning the ball. And don't forget, that I was the one who kept everyone from jumping you in the parking lot and taking your NIB H2O.  Hopefully you won't be as much of a lurker now that you won the tourney, and you can place a face with some of us.

I barely got to even talk to you, though you were a very nice guy. Hopefully next time we'll get to spend a bit more time hangin out and whatnot.

LuckyLefty and LittleLucky (Russ):
I wish I could've sat down and talked equipment and drillings more. You're a great guy, and you need not look any further for proof than the great son you have. You're a very good bowler (although they were tryin to shut us lefties out... ) and your son is coming along nicely!

First off, let me thank you for getting Storm to donate all that stuff, including the Fired Up that I won (I guess they knew which bowler really needed another ball like a hole in the head! ). You've got an awesome game, and thanks to you, I can say that I got my butt whooped in TWO sports when I went to Winston-Salem! I wish we could've sat and BS'ed more, but there's always next year.

How can I put into words how great our Scotch Doubles team was? I can't...two lefties tearing it up...trying to leave as many 7 pins for the other as possible.  You're a very sweet girl, and I hope that you and your prince will have a beautiful time together in the future. Can't wait till next year, unless Corpus Christi falls together...then I might see you there! Till the next time we get to check out hotties in the pool room together...  

Man, all I can say, is that not only are you a great bowler, but you have the memory of an elephant! Not only did you remember doing a deal with me (under a diff. name a couple years ago), but you even remembered it was my old 3-ball KR Roller I got from you! I wish you would've been able to stay for more than a few hours each day, but I guess that beggers can't be choosers, and next year you'll be able to stay longer hopefully.

Straight up 7:
Man, you were really cool to talk to, and I wish you'd been there for more than dinner and billiards., Hopefully you'll be posting more, but I can't wait to hang out with you more next year! And next year, we won't let Jesse and Sean win at pool!

And finally...Last but not least (unless we're talking bowling scores) is JPRLane1:
Man, you are 100% right. I wish I did live closer, so we could hang out more. Hopefully you'll make it down this way sometime before next year, and likewise, hopefully I can make it up there. It was really cool having someone else there that was my age range (although Joe Falco was pretty close ). It was great shooting pool with you, and I swear that the whole 3 balls in one shot...that was just a build-up of Irish Luck coming out all at once ! I still let you win that game anyway. And how about all the tasty stuff at the bowling alley that night...  I can't wait to catch up with you again're a really great guy. Don't be a stranger, just cause I use stuff like Visionary, cause you saw me represent with the Lane#1 stuff. As a matter of fact, I should be an honorary FOS member, since I was leading scratch after 1 game with a Carbide look into that for me ! And by the way, I stopped at BoJangles on the way home Monday morning...BOTATOS FOR LIFE MAN!!!

Well, I don't think I left anyone out, but if I did...well, you should've worn a funny costume so I would've had a harder time forgetting you. Can't wait till next year...

Big Willy Style
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2005, 12:44:08 PM »
OK I forgot Lexlefty and I am not quite sure since afterall he is a fellow lefty.  Super nice guy a little reserved perhaps but we did talk a bit when crossing together.  Good ball roll just had that damn gutter problem that I on ocassion have.  He sure can make some challenging spares just gotta look out for those easy ones.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
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Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! 03/04/05 Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2005, 08:11:05 PM »
Sorry to not have gotten back to this yet.  First day back to teaching and it is near the end of Summer School, so a lot of paper work.  I also had a lesson with my coach and will be off to league shortly.

I will post my take on the gathering when I return from league, I promise
It's not that life is too short.  It's that you are dead for sooooo LONG
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"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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