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Author Topic: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....  (Read 10708 times)


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Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« on: February 26, 2008, 04:13:05 AM »
I hear more and more about bowling alleys starting to go smoke free, some completely and others during certain hours.  However, here in Iowa they are debating a statewide ban on public smoking...I won't dish out all the details but this would include all bowling alleys.  

So my question is, would you actually give up bowling if you couldn't smoke while you did it?
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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2008, 01:43:51 PM »
Live in Ohio and for about 1 year now a new law prohibits smoking in public buildings, it has made bowling so much more enjoyable for me


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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2008, 01:48:34 PM »
Having just moved from South Dakota to Minnesota this past year what a nice change it is to have no smoking while you bowl. I started bowling just after the smoking ban started. The first night I came home and I did not stink of smoke. It is so nice. I am not looking forward to going back home to bowl in a tournament at Easter time due to having to put up with all the smoke.


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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2008, 01:56:53 PM »
... here in Bavaria (Germany) there is a total smoke ban in all gastronomy and as bowling alleys sell food and drinks they are gastronomy... no smoking anywhere...

I like it but I would not have any problem with smoke as longas it is not those big nasty cigars ... but as law prohibits smoking at all....
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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2008, 01:58:31 PM »
if you've got a problem with not being allowed to smoke indoors unless it's in your own home, quit smoking.

Okay well that's your's the point of view from the smokers using the same logic:

If you've got a problem with not being able to get away from the smoke indoors unless it's in your own home, START SMOKING.

Make sense?

Formerly SGC300
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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2008, 02:00:43 PM »
Well here in Michigan they are working (or were) on doing the smoking ban.  I am a smoker, and tend to smoke more when I bowl.

That being said, if they said no more smoking, I wouldn't quit the game.  There is one alley right down the street from my house that does not allow smoking in the bowling area, only in the bar, I don't bowl there, but not because of that.

I really don't care either way, but for all the non smokers out there preaching the ways, how would you feel if the government said, you are not allowed to drink in public places, eat in public places, or heck what if the government told you...because we don't agree with it, there will no longer be any type of talking allowed in any public forum?  

I know these all sound like ridiculous statements and would never happen, but think about it for a would that make you feel?  I thought we lived in the land of the free...not the land of hi we're the government and we'll tell you what to do based on what we believe, because that is how we roll.

Yes smoking stinks, and yes it is a bad habit, and yes it is not good for your health, or the health of a person standing next to you, but that cheeseburger you just got from the grill with's not good for you, and the way you eat it makes me want to I feel you should not be able to eat.  Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?

That beer looks refreshing, but because there was a car accident involving alcohol's not safe for you and it's not safe for that's banned too.

Take away the smoking....that's fine....true bowlers will bowl anyways, but stop and think a minute about how ridiculous this country has become with the government telling us what we can and can't do......
Formerly SGC300
"Never get into a pissing match with a skunk, cuz he'll piss all over you and like it."-Keyshawn Johnson on Terrell Owens

The reason why smoking is a problem is because you are killing everyone around you. Someone eating a cheeseburger is not "killing" you. It would be making you sick to your stomach. Little differences there. If they told me I couldn't eat in public or drink (which is stupid by the way because that would put every food place like mcdonalds out of business) I would be like thats fine with me, its not that big of a deal.

While this is the land of the free, it doesn't give anyone a right to deminish someone elses health because you or anyone else wants to kill your self by smoking. Me eating infront of someone is not deminishing their health in no way what so ever. It may stink but so does farts and everyones not going to quit farting, but at least it doesn't kill you.
Throwing hambones since 2005.

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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2008, 02:05:21 PM »
Why should public places be smoke free? Its the public. Why not make a law that says kids have to be on leashes.. They keep taking away our rights as people. It is the customers option to decide if they want to go in there. If businesses are smart enough they will make a smoke free section so they can do something about it. The business isnt forcing you to go in there. I work in a bowling alley and I know what it is like and there are ways to help this situation and not take away a persons right.

It's also my right as a person to breath clean air.  If someone wants to die from cigarettes let them do it in their own home so they don't take anyone down with them.

Well here in Michigan they are working (or were) on doing the smoking ban. I am a smoker, and tend to smoke more when I bowl.

That being said, if they said no more smoking, I wouldn't quit the game. There is one alley right down the street from my house that does not allow smoking in the bowling area, only in the bar, I don't bowl there, but not because of that.

I really don't care either way, but for all the non smokers out there preaching the ways, how would you feel if the government said, you are not allowed to drink in public places, eat in public places, or heck what if the government told you...because we don't agree with it, there will no longer be any type of talking allowed in any public forum?

I know these all sound like ridiculous statements and would never happen, but think about it for a would that make you feel? I thought we lived in the land of the free...not the land of hi we're the government and we'll tell you what to do based on what we believe, because that is how we roll.

Yes smoking stinks, and yes it is a bad habit, and yes it is not good for your health, or the health of a person standing next to you, but that cheeseburger you just got from the grill with's not good for you, and the way you eat it makes me want to I feel you should not be able to eat. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?

That beer looks refreshing, but because there was a car accident involving alcohol's not safe for you and it's not safe for that's banned too.

Take away the smoking....that's fine....true bowlers will bowl anyways, but stop and think a minute about how ridiculous this country has become with the government telling us what we can and can't do......

Okay comparing smoking to any of those things is retarded.  Smoking effects the health of everyone around the smoker.  Big freakin deal if you can't handed a cheeseburger with onions.  Smelling a vegetable has never killed anyone and you don't have to watch the person eating it.  What am I supposed to do with the person blowing smoke in my face?  Wear a mask?  Give me a break.  And what does an alcohol related car accident have to do with anything?  Last time I checked it was illegal to drink and drive.  Why ban alcohol?  It was the idiot behind the wheel not being responsible that caused the accident.  The actual sitting at the bar and drinking didn't effect anyone sitting around the person.

If you want to smoke your cancer sticks and kill yourself I say have at it.  Just don't do it around me.

Edited on 2/26/2008 3:15 PM

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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2008, 02:05:30 PM »

At least you are taking into consideration what I am saying.  I know they would not ban eating, or drinking, or whatever else, but all I am asking is for you all who are totally with this non smoking gig to think about it from the opposite side.

If they took away something you did, because the higher ups did not agree and deemed it wasn't healthy for would you feel?

Obviously from reading these posts, I am playing the devils advocate, but without someone taking the opposite's not even a discussion, it's more of a pow wow.
Formerly SGC300
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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2008, 02:10:54 PM »
if i wanted to kill myself, i'd just use a shotgun.

if you've got a problem with not being allowed to smoke indoors unless it's in your own home, quit smoking.

Okay well that's your's the point of view from the smokers using the same logic:

If you've got a problem with not being able to get away from the smoke indoors unless it's in your own home, START SMOKING.

Make sense?

I am not disagreeing with you at all...just using your own logic from someone with the opposite opinion.  

Like I said, I could care less what they do.....smoke or non smoke, I guess I am just not a big fan of the government telling me what to do.

However, if they take away the smoke, they should make every league I bowl in mandatory jackpots too....I'd be a fan of that

Formerly SGC300
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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2008, 02:14:01 PM »

At least you are taking into consideration what I am saying.  I know they would not ban eating, or drinking, or whatever else, but all I am asking is for you all who are totally with this non smoking gig to think about it from the opposite side.

If they took away something you did, because the higher ups did not agree and deemed it wasn't healthy for would you feel?

Obviously from reading these posts, I am playing the devils advocate, but without someone taking the opposite's not even a discussion, it's more of a pow wow.
Formerly SGC300
"Never get into a pissing match with a skunk, cuz he'll piss all over you and like it."-Keyshawn Johnson on Terrell Owens

I understand where your coming from, but they are not banning it because its harming you, they are banning it because it harms you and others around you. If everyone was in a bubble where smokey air couldn't come out of it, that would be fine with me. If you want to smoke, by all means go ahead but when you have kids around and others who may have asthma and really can't handle smoke something needs to be done.

Besides whats the point of smoking? What does anyone get from it besides stinking cloths, yellow skin, bad teeth/breath, and most biggest one, cancer? Smoking should be banned everywhere all together because all they are doing is killing people.

If you think you can save a lot of money by switching to should try to quit smoking! You'd save tons of money by not smoking. See just think you could have an extra bowling ball every other month or so from the extra money depending on how much you smoked! lol
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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2008, 02:14:18 PM »
I can't smoke in my house that I rent which has caused me to slow down on cigs (because of the cold).  But I can smoke in the alleys and do so with a vengence. Just make it accomodating with either a smoking lounge or outside with an awning.  I live in the last of the Tobacco states and they have strong lobbyists.  We have the health nuts who have no problem driving in and out of traffic at 85 risking my life.  Smoking is bad, liquor is bad, sex with multiple partners is bad, gambling is bad.  We as humans like to dabble with bad things, some of us more than others.  With that, I have 150 in my online account and think I might play a few ponies, drink a few beers, smoke a cig or two and play with the neighbors wife

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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2008, 02:22:10 PM »
See what we have here is people taking my comments literally.  I know they're not going to ban eating or drinking lol.  That is not my point...I am taking the other side of this discussion.

You say because you don't smoke no one should be able to smoke around you, hell maybe not even around you, but in the same big building as you...and you all make good points as to argument there.

My point is...what if the government said you can't do something that you do...because they feel it is not fair to others around you?

You say if I want to smoke, then only do it in my house...I say if you don't want to deal with smoke..stay in your house...same difference, different points of view.

Now excuse gf just left for work and I am going to go nail my neighbors wife....
Formerly SGC300
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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2008, 02:23:30 PM »
^^^^^^^I hope it's not my neighbor, I don't share well!^^^^^^

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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2008, 02:27:54 PM »
^^^^^^^I hope it's not my neighbor, I don't share well!^^^^^^

That's funny I just read your reply...and you are spot on.  I'm not arguing with anyone as to why smoking is bad for me, and the people around me.  I agree that they have the right to fresh air, but like you said, everything we can possibly do is bad for our health...minus drinking water (but not too much, you can die from that too), or exercising (wait, if you're in bad shape and exercise you could possibly have a heart attack).

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but if I didn't do everything the government told me that was bad for me.....I would probably stay in bed 24-7.
Formerly SGC300
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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2008, 02:34:26 PM »
This is the type of thread that I knew would be split in views.  I personally like not having smoking in a bowling center.  Unfortunately, a lot of smaller bowling centers can lose money and ultimately close because of the drop in league bowlers.  I am not sure how prevalent it would be, but I have seen it happen.  

One league I bowled in (in a no-smoking center) had a league rule saying they were entitled to a 10 minute break between games to smoke.  That alone adds at least 20 minutes to your night assuming they adhere to that time frame.  Combine that with the "extra" breaks during games and it would take over 3 hours for a 4 man team to finish 3 games.  It definitely can get out of hand.  Do I appreciate not stinking and perhaps adding a couple of years to my life?  Of course.  But smokers will plead for extra consideration since they can't smoke in the bowling center.  

Simply put, leagues should be attentive to rules governing when bowlers should be ready to bowl.  "Give someone an inch, they will take a mile"
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Re: Smoke Free Bowling Alleys.....
« Reply #45 on: February 26, 2008, 02:40:16 PM »
I think it is an interesting topic and heavily debated.  People are very passionate on both sides, especially when it comes to bars and restaurants.  Overall I think it is a good idea, how can you argue against healthier lungs and a lack of stench...leading to prolonged life and more years of bowling...right?  Who doesn't want a couple extra years to try and master the elusive ringing 10-pin.
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