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Author Topic: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style  (Read 5139 times)


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The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« on: July 23, 2005, 12:10:23 PM »
I guess the others are still having too much fun to post - either that or Joe Falco is still bowling and all the others have died from exhaustion.

Unfortunately, I had to depart the scene early after, as usual, missing the cash in the Scotch Doubles tournament by only 1 pin. Work was calling. Before I left, there was a lot of bowling and carrying on.

First, let me go on record as saying that there is No Style Like "Big Willie Style". OMG, it was the most incredible thing I have ever seen in 36 years of living. The man is a either train wreck or the most incredible 300 game waiting to happen. Let us not forget that the only thing about him that is not Irish is his approach; I think the approach is "from hell" so to speak.  I honestly enjoyed meeting this guy - he's definitely one of the most unique individuals I've ever met.

SrKegler is a dangerous, dangerous man. Don't ever let him trick you into thinking he's not a good bowler. He and MrsKegler both are a barrel of fun.

Strider made a brief appearance on Friday night before work beckoned. Lucky Lefty showed up just in time for dinner. Storm Track had to endure 4 games in the Scotch Doubles tournament with me at his table, which is horrible enough for anybody to endure; when you factor in the weird spare leaves his partner was giving him, it was quite the night to remember.

Thong Princess is pretty cool for a California girl. I just wish she'd really express herself sometimes . Best part is, SHE'S A LEFTY. Nearly the perfect woman, yes?

Joe Falco is probably still bowling while wondering why all the kids have collapsed in a heap around him. Ya know, he's the only guy who will smile and laugh after every frame whether it's a strike or a split.

I didn't have nearly enough time to talk to Nollster, MMike1053, and everyone else, not to mention all the fun I missed today. Next year I won't have to work on a Saturday, so I'll have the pleasure of meeting everyone.

Ron C is still trying to figure out what part of Big Willie Style he should attempt to work on first. Maybe it would just be easier to have us all convert to 7-step, right-handed, loopty-loop-armswing, goofy-footed, backup-ball bowling (Big Willie Style for the uninitiated).

Mrs. Clifton will hopefully forgive me for the late-game crotch chops I performed after striking to miss the cash by a stick. I promise to only chop when I'm winning; Scouts honor.

'Twas a grand time for me for the little time I was there. Pics are most certainly soon to follow.


None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....

Edited on 7/25/2005 6:18 PM

I will never become another piece inside the paralytic construct I hate.



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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2005, 09:14:51 AM »
i would like to come to the next one.i only live less than 2 hours away timberlake N.C.
Allen Greenberg

Everyone is always welcome.  Next one will probably be sometime next summer.  Never any money involved other than paying for lineage.

CYA all next year.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Charter member F.O.S.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2005, 12:10:28 AM »
Well, After traveling on 3 different junkets for about 10 days I'm finally settled down and can comment on the most important junket of all.

My trip to Winston!  The other's were just business!

Not my first time at the beautiful Creekside lanes!  Met a lot of people.

First up was the kind (till ya bowl em) SrKegler.  Boy this is just a nice guy along with his wife.  Right away when SR is there you are going to be right at ease and welcome!  Within an hour of arriving me and Little Lucky were tossin.
Right on our pair was our friendly personalble host Mr. SR and he proceeded to disect us like surgeons.  231 the first game amputates the arm.  A little rusty he says and follows with a 235!  Out goes the ailing lung.  Just getting a touch or a little feel of these lanes and he slips in a little 240!  Oh Mr. Lucky ...."What about my grip?"  "Do you think it's proper?"  Oh ...adn Mr. Lucky...Do you inhale or exhale during your backswing???  Oh and you've got a nice son here....250.  What a fine bowler and a nice game!  "Surgical! commented Saddam Hussein about the cruise missles".

As we switched pairs for our next few games he mentioned his injured shoulder.
I felt sorry for him!

Pin Nut.  Now here's a guy I admire.  Strong opinions, bag full of Columbias and a lefty and he throws it SO good!  Strong axis rotation(like me) but nicer speed and just a bowler I'd like to copy.  This guy can really do some scoring.

I'm hoping he'll come up my way and show me how a guy with strong side roll can tear up these dang crazy lefty lanes I'm struggling on!  Sorry to see him go the first day!

Triggerman, now heres the guy I went to see.  He messaged me and said I could NOT ...NOT go!  So I cleared the table.  Well ...then he didn't show.  But I understand, he had child visitation and living in a nearby area, well you know those nasty ex wives...she might have had all future visitation rescinded by court order if he didn't take it when he had it!  BEen there done that brother.
I understand but you WERE missed!

Joe Falco, no doubt THE energizer bunny of bowling.  I have never seen a guy like it more!  I thought I liked it!  What a joy to be around!  AND he BOWLS REAL good.  Think Norm Duke at age 7X.  If Norm will be able to throw it that good!  Free armswing simple game  There goes your soda money in an enthusiastic blink. 220 after 220 in practice.  I think the scores were 220, 221, 223, 219.
BORING except ....well it was JoE! Love that guy.  As did my son!

Nollster, man that's a powerhouse guy.  AFter talking forward thumb pitches on the web with him I was glad I conceded he may have a point.  He benches about 400 pounds before he bowls and also is just a hell of a nice Pennsylvania guy!
Lucky for me ...they come in two flavors...big and nice, and big and well...not so nice!  He spent a lot of time talkin to Littlelucky and I and we both concluded we like him.....and we hope he likes us or... well that wouldn't be too lucky!  

MMIKE1053, fun guy, lots of style on the lanes.  Enjoys the hell out of the game and getting better.  And he done... done that!

JPRlane, man, I thought Robert Smith had come to bowl with us.  I'm serious.
Yeah....OK Robert go ahead and call yourself JPRLane ....OK.  But then he got  up and mysteriously all weekend threw a very soft and smooth released lefty shot just to trick us up.  This just before he went over had a protein shake and benched 500!  

Nice guy...Robert er em I mean JPRLane and I really fell for the throwing slower than me lefty style to make me think your not really Robert Smith on the moneymakin weekends.  Nice guy too!

StormTrack, nice bowler, cerebral type of guy.  Going straight forward life bowling everything.  This is the type of guy who makes me think and stand up and take notice.  Really a pleasure to meet this guy and talk concepts, business, woman, business.  Weeding out all the crap to get to the core!
He is and will be a hell of bowler!  Just in the makeup.

Billy Sewell, the winner of the braggin rights tourney.  Firm and up 8.  Would Walter Ray have stood a chance?  I personally think it was Walter Ray but he was quite a bit nicer and had his Dad with him.  Since I was with my Son I thought that was the ultimate cool.  Got one of those accents that all of a sudden you find yourself mysteriously over at the food counter and your ordering corn bread or biscuits and gravy!  I love how those people talk.
And they are so polite when you are handin them cash!  

Lex Lefty, well a fellow lefty and he can hum it!  Hum it in there babe.  Right over the outside corner one up 8.  Let's just say this guy can sling it!  A Devotee of the classic lefty style of Dave Davis straight up 8 with the slashing backend that clears the rack!  Didn't get to talk to him as much as we lefties usually do but we'll catch up next gathering.

Glen and Linda, now there is a couple having fun.  Glen can hook it and Linda can wing it!  Nice people and Linda when you get a chance since I'm a about double your weight could you show me how you throw it twice as fast as me!?

Thong Princess, well well well, it's about time we had the child support showdown.  I got screwed by my X and she got screwed by her X!  But guess what, we found out after an initial bowling to the death tie, that we were both right!  The system sucks!  We just wanted fairness!   And we thought we were each cool!

I must also confess that I loved her bowling.  Formful, elegant with a beautiful pose at the end.  I took pictures to be on the cover of this month's playboy.  That good a finish!  UmmmmmUmmmm.  Smooth roll strong elegant hook!

Well, how can one forget!!!  My son's favorite bowler.  You guessed it!!!!
Big Willy style!!!!!  As my son says about three times a day as he walks up on the left side of an imaginary lane!  Then throws and imaginary ball and swings his arm threw a couple of nifty loops.  "who am I DAD??????"  My reply....."Hmmmm, Big Willy style?"  I am sure that is going to make the rounds in South Florida.

If The real Willy ever gets down to the Southern regions of Florida I'm sure he'll only have to throw one ball and several people will come over and ask...."Big Willy Style?".  And he can score!?    

And not only that, if a personality can be measured on 1 to 100, well 120 is not out of the question!  

MRS Clifton, I don't know if that is Ron's teaching.  "OK baby, now on this one we just want you to wind up .....hold the ball like a bird and throw that thing with a completely free armswing..... uh yes right back through the back curtain!  "Gotta make sure those mechanics are awake!"  I don't know if she had the revs of Jimmy Keeth but she may give up nothing to him on speed!

As far as lots of pins going down, they did, but I'm not sure if it was because of wind or if I actually saw a few go down before the ball got there in fear!

9Cline....not to be forgotten, this North Carolina bowling hall of famer(not yet) I don't believe it.  Throws no 9s and was in only for a brief few moments, just quick enough to show us all that our money must be hidden and that Liz Johnson may be taking men's cash on tour, only because 9Cline is doing on a little more private basis!  This woman can flow and roll!  And you may not realize how fast that ball is movin!  When I get the same action down on the left, they'll all be handen me cash!  Bowler!

Not mentioned by others but not forgotten by me.  Ron's new ball driller Mary!
Talked to her for about 3 minutes and concluded....hmmmm I've never met a ball driller like that.  Short skirt lots of tan and other accessories, funnier than hell...did I just get married?

The Storm guy, Dave Garber.  That was great!  But next time I ask another question ....please tell me to shut up.  I went from mow en um down with a Storm Super charge in practice to finding that my White dot was almost apprapo for the braggin rights tourney.  Thank God Robert Smith er um JPRLane was there
with a XXXL for me to save face with at the end of the braggin rights tourney!
CAN you say Friction!

King of the Mill, well I can only say that 3 X 24 packs were awaiting your arrival and the travelling mill on wheels but was not to be.
WE stayed, some might say we talked, we awaited your arrival and alas, some excuse like hurricanes or food poisoning interrupted out meeting.

Russ and I properly dispensed of the beer, that's ok in North Carolina right.
I must confess that Mary got a few.

Hotties, as always at Creekside lanes there are hotties, those woman from Winston salem seem to be a hot combo of curves and face and putting those comely twins on the pair next to Russ and I Friday night was a nice touch brought to us by our host Mr. Magic.

Magic Carpet, last and not least I must report that in just a hour of what must have been intense effort for Ron but was fun for me he got me back to where I was, a quick switch to 5 step, and some good movement undre the watchful eye of the maestro has me now throwing the ball quite a bit more nicely on these lanes that till last week looked dry.  Funny how 1 to 2 mph can make a difference in how much oil there is on the lanes.  A great host with a gift.

PS Without a PS many would not know it is one of my posts, but I'd like to say that the kindness of everyone to my young son Russ(LittleLucky) was much appreciated.  Living in a beautiful house in Florida but practically abandoned on a daily basis I saw a sparkle come back in his eyes that continued for the rest of his way too short visit with his Dad!  (Just a month), as many of you mentioned in your nice posts, he is a nice kid with a lot of personality.
He just loved getting out bowling and interacting with adults with passion and enjoyment of their game.  He left all fired up about bowling, about himself and his enthusiasm for life and his interests.  I think in many ways though he has been taken to some of the most lavish resorts in the world this may have been one of his best trips ever, a different type of event. He talked about all the nice people he met and just seemed to energized whereas before our trip he was bored and a little irritable.  Upon return he shot a nifty 192 with two impossible splits that he could not pick up!  He wanted to bowl or golf nearly all the time and had endless energy, many Big Willy Style impersonations were done.  A few Joe Falcos and also ensued(no 220s though).

He's talking about maybe coming to live with his Dad.  Nothing could make me happier. His twin sisters who didn't make the bowling trip agree!  He needs Dad and he needs someone who's interested in him!  As Billy Sewell might say, "Ya'll fit the bill"  Thanks!

Edited on 8/6/2005 0:42 AM

Edited on 8/6/2005 9:29 AM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #33 on: August 06, 2005, 09:41:35 AM »
Magic were sleepin when I posted!


PS, imagine a staff so hardworkin and nice that before I left, do everything Sue who dutifuly worked the counter, served me coffee, lunch and dinner and an after hours drink, oiled the lanes, painted the outside, swept the parking lot and cleaned the rugs, and I think maybe packed my stuff for me went out of her way to come up and wish me and the LittleLuck a safe trip.  Now Magic, tell me your employee secret.  One can't pay, train, or create employees like that, it's either magic OR they are born like that!
PPS I'm throwing with a magic carpet in my ball!  Look out!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2005, 07:58:07 AM »
Lefty, you're a freakin' nut case!!  But I think you've confused me with someone else -- my amazing physique comes from pounding a few 1/2 gallons of chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream and NOT from hitting the weight room!!  Glad to see you both made it home OK and have finally had some time to post.  Russ was a blast to have around -- I still owe him a beer for beating you that one game.  Guess he'll be officially able to collect during the Gathering XII!!  Now a 192?!?!?!  Where was that at the Gathering??  He's baggin' already, isn't he??  Hopefully next time we'll get to smack the little white ball around for a while, too.


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2005, 08:10:22 AM »
Looks like next year we'll have to schedule our gathering around when you have Russ for the summer.  Would be a shame not to see him again.  Such a great kid.  Wish we could have spent a little more time together.  Won't be too long before he can give Dad an run for the money.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Charter member F.O.S.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones

Magic Carpet

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2005, 08:42:45 AM »
Hey you guys talking about my staff are costing me money.
#1 They all want raises now.
#2 I am having to enlarge the front doors just so they can get their heads in.

All jokes aside:
My staff has read all of these post and greatly appreciate the kind words and they thank you very much. They all know that just being noticed by you fine people is more reward than all the raises I could give them. (I hope)

Next year is gona be BIG

Bowl great!
Ron Clifton


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #37 on: August 08, 2005, 09:03:45 AM »
Ron, your staff is right.  They do deserve raises.  I recommend we do this democratically and put it to a vote of the BR members.  Since you would probably tamper with the votes, how about giving us Susan's e-mail address.  We'll send our vote in to her.

Next year is going to be great.  We may have to expand it to a 4-5 day affair though.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Charter member F.O.S.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2005, 01:00:44 PM »
Ron, you have the Magic touch in selecting your staff. They are great people.  Some even remembered me from last year....though I'm not sure that is a good thing

As for more days, that would be cool with me, but can Ron and his staff handle us for more than a few days???  And can SrKegler be on his best behavior for longer than a day or 2especially if the number of lefties in attendance keeps growing??

LuckyLefty, I enjoyed our conversations and YES the system does suck  But then they say, that which does not kill us makes us stronger.  I'm glad we could provide some therapy for Russ  I hope the custody works out. Here in CA once the child reaches the age of 12 or 13, they have a say in custody.

I look forward to next year!
It's not that life is too short.  It's that you are dead for sooooo LONG
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2005, 03:23:46 PM »
Toma -- Nope.  Ron and his staff are such good hosts that there's no need to wander.  --  JohnP


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2005, 03:32:37 PM »
Any chance on getting some videos of "Big Willy Style"?

Magic Carpet

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2005, 10:16:06 PM »
You guys are killing me LOL
Sr. I started a thread and told eveyone to send me pics if they have them and I will put them. No one sent me any. I loaded my camera out to someone so they could take pics and they they brought it back and said the battery was dead. I put in new batteries but no pics were taken after that. The only pics I got was of Big Willy in the Fat Ba$tard suit.



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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2005, 02:23:20 AM »

I don't think that Magic Carpet got any film of me bowling, cause I wasn't able to bowl/ work with him on Sunday, but hopefully, HOPEFULLY I'll be able to get a couple up soon on my own.

I can't wait till next year, cause I won't take it so easy on you guys next time! Seriously though, I'm anxious to be costume and all!

Big Willy Style
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
***This message brought to you by the A.O.B.U.B.O.A. (Assembly Of Back-Up Bowlers Of America) which is now taking applications***  


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #43 on: August 10, 2005, 04:37:48 AM »
Big Willy, my daughter bought me a T-shirt while she was in Ireland.  I'll have to wear it to the next gathering.  It's a nice deep shade of green and says "the leprechauns made me do it!"  

She just got back from her trip today and when I saw the gift, I thought of you  Wouldn't we have made a pair in the tournament?  The princess and prince all decked out in Irish attire

Toma, no Silver Fox visit.  No Peeche to inspire such a visit
It's not that life is too short.  It's that you are dead for sooooo LONG

Edited on 8/10/2005 4:32 AM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2005, 07:10:34 AM »
Well said JohnP.  Ron and his staff are first class, hands down.  This was my first trip to NC and it will not be the last.  Creekside Lanes was well above par and a credit to the bowling community as a whole.  I wish there were more centers in this country that took as much pride in their work and presentation of the center to the public as Ron and his group do.

We definitely need to do more days next time.  I would just as well come out on Sunday or Monday and stay all week next time.  Maybe do a clinic for those interested in it the first few days and then have the official gathering be Thursday or Friday – Sunday.

I told Ron the same thing when I got there on Thursday!!  I couldn't believe how nice his place is!!  I love the deadly, black mamba-like bumpers!!

I also agree with the beginning seminar idea -- although it can make it tough to bowl the rest of the weekend.  I had a tough time scoring while I was down there trying to do the things he taught me.  Since I've been home, I've been averaging about 213, which is only about, oh, 42 pins higher than before I worked with him!!!


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2005, 09:50:13 AM »
What's been so pathetic for me are my 9th frame puke sessions -- last week I had 1 strike, a 10-pin and 2 splits in the 9th!!  I talked myself into them on the approach, too -- that's what REALLY peeves me about it!!

RKB!! (Ron Know Bowling -- our new mantra!!)